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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 55.djvu/888

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Bacon's Idols. W. H. Hudson 788
Baker, Smith. Causes and Prevention of Insanity 102
Baldwin, F. S. Present Position of Sociology 811
Beautifying the Home Grounds. (Frag.) 430
Benjamin, M. American Industrial Expositions 231
Bering Sea Controversy again. T. C. Mendenhall 99
Bertillon, M. J, Remedies for the Depopulation of France 672
Bible, Scientific Method and the. (Corr.) 701
"The Scientific method and its Application to the. Rev. D. Sprague 289
Bicknell, E. From Serfdom to Freedom 84
Birds as Pest Destroyers. (Frag.) 571
Block Island, Geology of. (Frag.) 570
Blumentritte, F. Race Questions in the Philippine Islands 472
Books Noticed 126
Books Noticed 270
Books Noticed 415
Books Noticed 557
Books Noticed 705
Books Noticed 853
African Frontier, On the South. W. H. Brown 708
— Studies, West. M. H. Kingsley 418
Agriculture. Fertilizers. E. B. Voorhees 274
— Practical. C. C. James 854
— The Principles and Practice of. L. H. Bailey 421
Algebra. Test-Book of. G. E. Fischer and I. J. Schwatt 420
Allen, A. H. Commercial Organic Analysis 274
American Indians. F. Starr 421
Amryc, C. Pantheism: the Light and Hope of Modern Reason 421
Anatomy and Physiology, Laboratory Exercises in. J. E. Peabody 277
Anglo-Saxon (Monthly) 562
Animated Pictures. C. F. Jenkins 132
Anthropology. Australian Bush, In the. R. Semon 417
— Australia, The Native Tribes of Central. B. Spencer and F. J. Gillen 417
— History of Mankind. F. Ratzel 272
— Man, Past and Present. A. H. Keane 852
— Philippines, People of the. D. G. Brinton 855
Arctic, A Thousand Days in the. F. G. Jackson 705
Arithmetic, Primary. A. R. Hornbrook 420
— The American Elementary. M. A Bailey 422
Armageddon. Stanley Waterloo 133
Aston, W. G. History of Japanese Literature 131
Astronomy, A Short History of. A Berry 710
Atkinson, G. F. Elementary Botany 131
Austin, H. E. Observation Blanks for Beginners In Mineralogy 855
Australian Bush, In the. R. Semon 417
Australia, The Native Tribes of Central. G. Spencer and F. J. Gillen 417
Badenoch, L. N. True Tales of the Insects 854
Bailey, L. H. The Principles of Agriculture 421
— M. A. The American Elementary Arithmetic 422
Bardeen, C. W. Commissioner Hume 562
Bates, F. G. Rhode Island and the Formation of the Union 420
Bauer, L. A., and French, Thomas, Jr. Terrestrial Magnetism. (Quarterly) 132
Beddard, F. E. Structure and Classification of Birds 128
Bell, M. G. Story of the Rise of the Oral Method in America 711
Berry, A. A Short History of Astronomy 710
Bickerton, A. W. New Story of the Stars 134
Biology, Principles of. H. Spencer 275
Birds, Structure and Classification of. F. E. Beddard 128
Botany, Elementary. G. F. Atkinson 131
— Elementary Text-Book of. S. H. Vines 131
— Evolution of Plants, Lectures on the. D. H. Campbell 561
— Ferns, How to Know the 708
Bradford, Gamaliel. The Lesson of Popular Government 415
Brinton, D. G. Peoples of the Philippines 855
Brooks, W. K. Foundations of Zoölogy 270