MOST of us are so used to thinking of birds, if we notice them at all, as belonging to spring and summer that we easily fail to see or hear the comparatively few feathered winter visitors. Among these, however, are some of the most attractive and amusing of birds, and to hear their cheery notes and to watch their busy hunt for food on a cold winter day adds a very considerable pleasure to a walk in a city park or the near-by woods. In New York city bird lovers have learned that Central Park is one of the very best places in which to watch birds both summer and winter. There is room enough there and the conditions are varied enough to offer congenial dwelling places for nearly all of the better-known birds. In the spring and fall the beautiful and tiny migrating wood warblers find the park a good feeding ground, and a safe place wherein to linger for a brief time on their journeys north and south.
With the approach of winter the innumerable fat and saucy robins that have hunted angleworms, and strutted about the lawns of the park since early spring disappear, except for an occasional hardy fellow who perhaps prefers the dangers of a northern winter to those of the long journey southward. The wood-and the hermit-thrush; the veery, or Wilson's thrush; the yellow warbler, so abundant and so musical; the perky little redstart, whose song of "Sweet, sweet, sweeter" closely resembles the yellow warbler's; the somber-colored blackbirds; the Baltimore and the orchard oriole; the scarlet tanager; the catbird; Phoebe; Jenny Wren; the tiny chipping sparrow; the vireos; and