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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 56.djvu/756

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and Ernest G. Stevens, 18 West Forty-fifth Street.

Benson, Lawrence Sluter. Principles of Finite Values in Mathematics. Pp. 6.

Bland, Rev. J. P., Cambridge, Mass. What we Know about God. Pp. 12.

Bulletins, Reports, Announcements, etc. American Association for the Advancement of Science: Forty-eighth Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, 1899. Proceedings. Pp. 527, with plates of portraits.—Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. XXXII, Part II. Visual Observations of the Moon and Planets. By. W. H. Pickering, Director. Pp. 212, with plates; Vol. XXXIII. Miscellaneous Researches, 1897-1899. Pp. 287, with plates; Vol. XLII, Port II. Observations made at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Massachusetts, 1897 and 1898. under the Direction of A. Lawrence Rotch. Pp. 150.—Columbia University, New York: Summer Session, 1900. Announcement. Pp. 24.—Cuba, Department of Posts: Annual Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1899. Pp. 215.—Interstate Commerce Commission: Preliminary Report on the Income Account of Railways in the United States, to June 30, 1899. Pp. 70.—Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston: Annual Catalogue, 1899–1900. Pp. 357.—Michigan: Thirty-eighth Annual Report of the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, and Twelfth Annual Report of the Experiment Station. Pp. 465.—Missouri Botanical Garden: Twelfth Annual Report. By William Trelease. Pp. 151, with plates.—New York State: Report of the Committee on Canals, 1899. Pp. 231, with charts; Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1898. Pp. 1179.—Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind: Sixty-eighth Annual Report. Pp. 325.—United States Department of Labor: Bulletin No. 26. January, 1900. Pp. 236.—United States Geological Survey: Nineteenth Annual Report. Part V. Forest Reserves. Pp. 400, with portfolio of maps.

Burns, J. J. The Story of English Kings according to Shakespeare. New York: D. Appleton and Company. (Home-Reading Books.) Pp. 272.

Chambers, G. F. The Story of Eclipses. (Library of Useful Stories.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 222, with plates. 40 cents.

Citator, The. Ohio Edition. (Register of Citations in Legal Practice.) Quarterly. Lapeer, Mich. Pp. 102.

Clinical Excerpts. Elberfeld Company, New York, Pp. 20.

Coulter, John M. Plant Structures. A Second Book of Botany. New York: D. Appleton and Company. (Twentieth Century Text-Books.) Pp. 348. $1.20.

Deniker, J. The Races of Men. An Outline of Anthropology and Ethnography. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. (Contemporary Science Series.) Pp. 611. $1.50.

Echeveria i Reyes, Anibal. Voces Usadas en Chile. (Errors of Speech.) Santiago. Pp. 246.

Hannay, P. M. How to gain Health and Long Life. Chicago: The Hazel Pure-Food Company. Pp. 114.

I am that I am. A Dialogue of the Gods. By Sum quod Sum. New York: Library of Liberal Classics. Pp. 21. 10 cents.

Kent, Rev. Alexander. The Plan of Salvation. Pp. 16.

La Pouge, G. Vachet de. L'Aryen Son Role Social. (The Aryan, his Social Office.) Paris: Albert Fontemoing. Pp. 569. 10 francs.

Macmillan, The, Company. Announcements of New Books, Spring, 1900. Pp. 44.

McIlwraith, J. N. Canada. (History for Young Readers.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 252.

Manning, Warren H. A Handbook for Planning and Planting Small Home Grounds. Stout Manual-Training School, Menomonee, Wis. Pp. 76.

Richter, Victor von. Organic Chemistry, or Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. Edited by Prof. R. Anschütz and Dr. G. Schroeter. Authorized translation by Edgar F. Smith. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Pp. 671. $3.

Richardson, Harriet. A New Species of Idotoa, from Hakodate Bay, Japan. Pp. 4.

Ward, Lester F. Description of a New Genus and Twenty New Species of Fossil Cycadcan Trunks from the Jurassic of Wyoming. Pp. 32, with 7 plates.

Wooster, L. C. Educational Value of the Natural Sciences. Pp. 18.