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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 57.djvu/682

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Preventive Inoculation, W. M. Haffkine 115
Preventive Inoculation, W. M. Haffkine 240
Promotion of Men of Science 221
Psychology, of Crazes, G. T. W. Patrick 285
"of Red, Havelock Ellis 365
"of Red, Havelock Ellis 517

Quantitative Study of Variation 444

Radio-active Substances 558
Rayleigh, Lord, Scientific Papers 327
Red, Psychology of, Havelock Ellis 365
Red, Psychology of, Havelock Ellis 517
The Color, Chas. E. Dana 661
Reform, School 210
Religious Belief of the Central Eskimo, Franz Boas 624
Renouf, Edward, Some Phases of the Earth's Development in the Light of Recent Chemical Research 295
Research Work and Courses of Instruction 556
Reynolds, Osborne, Papers on Mechanical and Physical Subjects 328
Rhythms and Geologic Time, G. K. Gilbert 339
Roe, William J. Some Scientific Principles of Warfare 605
Röntgen Rays, New Sources of Light, and, Henry Carrington Bolton 318
Rosa, E. B., The Human Body as an Engine 491
Rydberg's Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park 329

School Reform 210
Science, Study and National Character, Albert B. Crowe 90
"and Fiction 324
"and Fiction 336
"and Poetry, L. W. Smith 546
Scientific, Societies, Meetings of 333
"and Educational Institutions of New York City 333
"Literature, International Catalogue of 448
"Literature, International Catalogue of 558
Shaler. N. S., The Negro since the Civil War 29
""The Future of the Negro in the United States 147
Sharp, David, on Insects 215
Sharpe, R. Bowdler, Nomenclature Avium 215
Shelley's Birds of Africa 215
Sidgwick, Henry, Death of 668
Smith on the Teaching of Elementary Mathematics 550
Smith, L. W., Poetry and Science 546
Solar Eclipse 224
Solar Eclipse 560
""Frank H. Bigelow 1
""of May 28, 1900, S. P. Langley 302
Solidification of Hydrogen 223
Sound Waves, Photography of, R. W. Wood 354
Spencer and Gillen on the Native Tribes of Central Australia 218
Sperber's Inorganic Chemistry 213
Stark, on Birds of South Africa 215
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 227
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 376
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 500
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 638
State Support and Individual Gifts 334
Stearns, Robert E. C, Antiquity of the Chewing Gum Habit 549
Stokes, Sir George, Memoirs Presented to 327
Suess's Das Antlitz der Erde 551
Summer Schools, University 447
Summer Schools, University 556
Sun, Total Eclipse of the, Frank H. Bigelow 1
Sun's Destination, Harold Jacoby 191
Swain, G. F., Technical Education in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 257

Taka-Diastase 102
Tait's Scientific Papers 327
Tamalpais, Mount, Marsden Manson 69
Thoughts for the Times 99
Trowbridge, M. E. D., Meetings of the American Association 660
Tropics, Conquest of the, George G. Groff 540
Tunnels, Ventilation of 101
Turner, Sir William, Address of the President before the British Association 561

Universities, American, Endowment of 333
University Summer Schools 447

Variation, the Quantitative Study of 445
Ventilation of Tunnels 101
Vickery, James Harris, International Law and the Peace Conference 76

Walcott, Charles D., Washington as Explorer and Surveyor 323
Walker's Introduction to Physical Chemistry 213
War, Civil, The Negro since the, N. S. Shaler 29
Warfare, Some Scientific Principles of, William J. Roe 605
Washington as Explorer and Surveyor, Charles D. Walcott 323
Whipple on the Microscopy of Drinking Water 554
Wilson on the Cell 330
Winking 103
Wood, R. W., Photography of Sound Waves 354
Wood's Holl Marine Biological Laboratory 555
Woodward, R. S., Portrait of 338
""Work of 442
Working Classes, Expenditure of the, Henry Higgs 527
Wynkoop, Hubert S., Gas and Gas Meters 179

Zeppelin's Air Ship 559
Zoölogy 214
Zoölogy 440