way facilities (including power supply, as well as a clear path); and, finally, education and recreation."
The tremendous advances of municipal government during the present century can be best and most graphically demonstrated by a comparison of the respective budgets of a single city for the years 1800 and 1899. Let us take Philadelphia as an example. According to Allinson & Penrose, in their work on the 'Government of Philadelphia' (pages 115-116), the budget for the former year as contained in the ordinance of February 20, 1800, was as follows
To meet the deficiency of the tax of 1799 | $1,315.44 |
Interest on water loan | 4,200.00 |
Interest on debts due the banks | 1,200.00 |
Purchase of paving stones and repair of old pavements | 1,600.00 |
Repairs to unpaved streets, &c., paving intersections | 2,400.00 |
For cleansing city | 11,250.00 |
Cleansing and repairing sewers and docks | 1,850.00 |
Lighting and watching the city | 18,000.00 |
Repairs of pumps and wells | 2,500.00 |
Regulating streets | 400.00 |
Center Square improvements | 1,650.00 |
Salaries of City Commissioners and clerk | 2,800.00 |
Expenses of City Commissioners and clerk | 100.00 |
Salaries to Mayor, Recorder, High Constable, clerks and messengers of Councils | 3,000.00 |
Pay of constables for patrolling streets on the Sabbath day | 156.00 |
Incidental expenses of Councils | 600.00 |
Residuary fund for preventing and removing nuisances | 4,478.56 |
Reimbursement from tax fund to corporate fund, 1799 | 165.92 |
Other advances by citizens | 360.00 |
Salaries of clerks of markets | 1,200.00 |
Menial service in markets | 560.00 |
Repairs, &c. | 700.00 |
Meeting contract engagements for maintenance of two steam engines | 8,000.00 |
Total | $68,485.92 |
The expenditures for 1899 (exclusive of the amounts appropriated for the maintenance of the county offices) were:
Mayor's Office | $587,770.00 |
Bureau of Charities | 500,308.00 |
Bureau of Correction | 203,295.00 |
Department of Public Safety— | |
Director's Office | 18,721.25 |
Bureau of Health | 251,838.08 |
Bureau of Building Inspectors | 46,636.75 |
Bureau of City Property | 777,751.73 |
Electrical Bureau | 1,118,017.78 |