Glasgow University celebrated its ninth jubilee exactly at the same time that the University of Chicago celebrated its first decennial. On both occasions there were elaborate academic ceremonies, and the sciences were well represented. Indeed at Glasgow science appears to have been predominant, the four principal addresses being in celebration of four men of science, prominently connected with the university in the past. Lord Kelvin delivered an oration on James Watt, Professor Smart on Adam. Smith, Professor Young on William Hunter, and Sir Joseph Hooker, in connection with the opening of the new botanical department, on his father. The LL.D. was given to somewhat over one hundred delegates, including, among Americans, J. Mark Baldwin, professor of psychology, Princeton University; William G. Farlow, professor of cryptogamic botany, Harvard University; Adolph Meyer, lecturer on psychiatry, Clark University; and R. Mark Wenley, professor of philosophy. University of Michigan. The celebration at Chicago was even more elaborate,
a number of addresses being made on different subjects. The only two foreign delegates appear to have been Professor J. H. van't Hoff, the eminent physical chemist of Berlin, and Professor Marcus Dods, the theologian of Edinburgh. Eleven honorary degrees were given, including in the sciences, in addition to Professor van't Hoff, Professor E. C. Pickering, director of the Harvard College Observatory; Dr. Charles D. Walcott, director of the U. S. Geological Survey, and Professor E. B. Wilson, professor of zoology in Columbia University. The address of most interest from a scientific point of view was Dr. Walcott's on 'The Relation of the National Government to Higher Education and Research.' Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller were present at the exercises, and President Harper took the occasion to say that the world knows what ten or twelve million dollars mil do for a university, but that the time is coming for the world to learn what fifty million dollars can accomplish. As part of the ceremonies the corner stones of a number of new buildings were laid, the most important group of which is shown in the accompanying illustration.