which command the admiration as well as the fear of the world, are after all the fruitage of the ideas which the teachers of science in our colleges and technological schools have been pounding into the often unwilling brains of their students during the last quarter of a century.
Dr. Richmond Mayo-Smith, professor of political economy and social science at Columbia University died as the result of a fall on November 11.—A memorial meeting in honor of the late Henry Augustus Rowland was held at the Johns Hopkins University, on October 16. The principal address was made by Dr. T. C. Mendenhall.
The Rumford medals of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences have been presented to Professors Carl Barus and Elihu Thomson.—Professor Geo. J. Brush, emeritus professor of mineralogy and formerly director of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, received a loving cup from his former students, on the occasion of the recent bicentennial exercises.
The second annual Huxley lecture of the Anthropological Institute was delivered by Dr. Francis Galton, F.R.S., on October 29, his subject being 'The Possible Improvement of the Human Breed under the Existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment.'
Professor Hugo Münsterberg, of Harvard University, began, on November 11, a series of eight Lowell lectures at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on 'The Results of Experimental Psychology.'
Mr. Andrew Carnegie has given an additional million dollars towards the endowment of the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, and a second million dollars for the Polytechnic Institute to be established in that city.—Mr. T. Jefferson Coolidge, late Minister to France, has given a fund of $50,000 to the Jefferson Physical Laboratory of Harvard University for physical research.—Mr. John D. Rockefeller has promised to contribute $200,000 toward the endowment fund for Barnard College, Columbia University, provided that an equal sum is given by others before January 1, 1902.—The preliminary plans have been accepted for a new building for the Department of Agriculture at Washington. These plans contemplate a marble structure, something over 300 feet long, with wings at either end extending to the rear to accommodate the various laboratories of the department.