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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 60.djvu/582

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Day, Length of, affected by Secular Cooling and Meteoric Dust 190
Degenerate Age, Is this a, J. J. Stevenson 481
Deluge, The Noachian, G. Frederick Wright 279
Democracy and the Recognition of Science 477
Descent of Man, Lindley M. Keasbey 365
Dexter, Edwin Grant, A Study of Calms 521
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology 378
Differentiation of the Human Species, Lindley M. Keasbey 448
Discussion and Correspondence 279
Discussion and Correspondence 377
Disease, End of Filth Theory of, Charles V. Chapin 234
Draining of the Zuider Sea, J. H. Gore 551
Dyke, Charles Bartlett, Theology versus Thrift in the Black Belt 360

Eclipse Expeditions, Work of the 478
Eclipses, Recent Total, of the Sun, Solon I. Bailey 240
Economic and Social Factor, Soil as, Frank K. Cameron 539
Edinburgh Reviewer, and T. H. Huxley, Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 177
Education, The National Control of, Sir John E. Gorst 49
Electromagnetic Basis for Mechanics 94
Emory, Frederic, Our Foreign Commerce in 1901 529
Engineering, Books on 474
Environment in Relation to Sex in Human Culture, Otis T. Mason 336
Evolution, Idea, Lucretius and the, William L. Poteat 166
"Lamarck, the Founder of, W. H. Dall 263
"Stellar, in the Light of Recent Research, George E. Hale 291
"of Fishes, David Starr Jordan 556
Exploration, Antarctic, J. W. Gregory 209
Extinct Animals, Popular Books on 473

Fanaticism, Suicidal, in Russia, W. G. Sumner 442
Filth Theory of Disease, End of, Charles V. Chapin 234
Fishes, of Japan, David Starr Jordan 76
"Evolution of, David Starr Jordan 556
Franklin's Philosophical Society, Ellis Paxon Oberholtzer 430
Frear and Novy on Germicidal Action of the Organic Peroxides 570
French Association for the Advancement of Science 92
Fruits, Dried, Zinc in 93
Fuertes on Water Filtration Works 474
Functions of a Museum and of its Director 377

Galton, Francis, The Possible Improvement of the Human Breed under existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment 218
Genius and Stupidity, Work and Rest, Alexander Francis Chamberlain 413
Genus of Great Antiquity, a 571
Geological Society of America, Rochester Meeting 381
Germicidal Action of the Organic Peroxides, Novy and Frear on 570
German Men of Science and Physicians 92
Giddings on Inductive Sociology 282
Giffen, Sir Robert, The Importance of General Statistical Ideas 106
Glazebrook, R. T., The Aims of the National Physical Laboratory of Great Britain 124
Gore, J. H., Draining of the Zuider Sea 551
Gorst, Sir John E., The National Control of Education 49
Gray, Asa, and T. H. Huxley, Edinburgh Reviewer, Louis Agassiz, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 181
Green on the English Chemical Industry 191
Gregory, J. W., Antarctic Exploration 209

Haddon, A. C., The Omen Animals of Sarawak 80
Hale, George E., Stellar Evolution in the Light of Recent Research 291
Harriman Alaska Expedition of 1900 281
Henderson, Yandell, Contributions to Biology from Investigations on the Breeding Salmon 503
Hills, Frederick Lyman, Psychiatry—Ancient, Medieval and Modern 31
Holden, Edward S., Friar Roger Bacon 255
Human, Breed, Improvement of, under existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment, Francis Galton 218
"Culture, Environment in Relation to Sex in, Otis T. Mason 336
"Species, Differentiation of the, Lindley M. Keasbey 448
Huxley, T. H., and The Edinburgh Reviewer, Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 183