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and spontaneous talk as much as possible. The following extract shows some of the different interests and activities due to sex. After his dinner at noon 2 (b.) began thus:
"Papa come upstairs and build with Sammy. Fix Sammy big fid(dle). S. will fix big one. S. want only—S. want Mama, one lady and one man. Oh Anna, S. see Bannie (made-up word). No, no, S. going to build little house for children. No wood—build with stone ones. No, S. want these. Put those in closet. S. want new (blocks). P. get some. Little P. get little S. Want some. No, S. will let S. S. going make pretty nice fairy houses. This going be little house down here, so can't get out. This tiny one can't get out,—get out. and get in. And that down there,—that there down beside and that, that side-arch. S. going to build nice, nice fairy house. Mama, when P. was little P. did hump, hump (laughing). Yes. S. thought he was Bannie, Bannie. (Pause playing with stone blocks alone). S. has to finish with these blocks. S. need old block—S. need old block. No, no, no, that little boy,—little boy. He going to go thro here. That S. mat. This does take all block. There P. big fid. S. don't see P. big fid. S. have to play,—have to play. S. have to put P. big fid,—P. Fiedelbogen. Yes. What this? S. want,—Hilde, H. H. (the four months' sister getting into his things). This little boy S. will give H. S. want that whip. S. going to get green Decke. Don't put Dick baby on (repeated). Little boy,—No, No,—S. want that little boy. H. did take little boy. Is'nt something to eat, H. No, No, but S. want,—H., H., H., want. Take H. H. don't want. This for H. S. can suck. Oh, there baby,—isn't down on floor. Take H.,—take H. Don't take,—here boy, here boy. Oh, some (nonsense syllables). Yes. Mama now S. Oh, here was hat. S. found hat,—S. found boy hat. Shan't we, P.? No, S. won't come up till P. come up. S. got block lean over. P. now come up. M., don't get on S. block. S. got blocks lean over. P. build with S. P. build fountain-house. S. have to build. P. long one, P. Now P. build with S. P., now S. P. know those go down there,—belong. No, S. will put arch up there. P. build with those. Put other arch up there. P. build with S. Now take this block and build down there,—now put across there. H.,—why, why, H! Take that H. P. now take this. P. now,—Oh, build P. No, No, No, that arch down here. No, No,—Oh, S. will give H. rubber doll. There H. Now P. sit down,—H. got rubber doll."
It is astonishing how this activity keeps up to the end of the day and how the child struggles against fatigue and sleepiness. After having looked at his Brownie book in bed awhile S. was laid down by his mother to be sung to sleep as usual and the gas was turned down. Whereat he said:
"S. can't see—S. can't see. P. now give S. some more paper to write on, two more and that will be all. Sammylein, Hildelein, Mamalein, Dicklein, and that will be all. S. can't see. (Repeated five times and seven Nos.) Yes, S. want drink. Now P. drink some,—now S. want 'nother drink. Now don't write M. S. is'nt getting tired, This Water Baby. Why? Go way up to that corner. S. don't want to. S. is'nt sleepy. S. got jelly glass at S. house. M., don't turn down gas, don't, don't don't. Where P. go? No, No. (Finally weakening he says) S. want go S. bed. S. want green Decke. S. want S. pictures. M. sing some Schub(ert). Was this right way? No, this was wrong way. M., this right way? (Adjusting his beloved green Decke) This