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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 63.djvu/123

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ductor is a flow of electricity, all in one direction one way or the other. The current is in the same direction in all parts of the loop at the same time, and, therefore, if the current is going up one side of the loop it is at the same time coming down the other side. Hence the two sides of the loop are always in exact opposition as regards the effect of the current in them on the external space, and the loop does not radiate. Returning again to the case of the spring. Supposing that we add a weight to one end of the spring by attaching to it a metal ball, and then move the other end to and fro with certain periodic motion, it will be found quite easy to set up in the spring a pulsatory motion resembling the movement of the air in an open organ-pipe. Under these circumstances both ends of the spring will be moving inwards or outwards at the same time, and the central portions of the spring, although being pressed and expanded slightly, are moving to and fro very little. This corresponds in the case of the looped aerial with a current flowing up or down both sides at the same time; in other words, when this mode of electrical oscillation is established in the loop, its electrical condition is just that of two simple Marconi aerials joined together at the top and vibrating in their fundamental manner. Accordingly, if one side of the double loop is earthed, we then have an arrangement which radiates waves. Professor Slaby found that by giving one side of the loop less inductance than the other, and at the same time earthing the side having greater inductance at the bottom, he was able to make an arrangement which radiated, not in virtue of the normal oscillations of the condenser, but in virtue of the harmonic oscillations set up in the conductor itself. The mathematical theory of this radiator has been very fully developed by Dr. Georg Seibt.

It will be seen, therefore, that there are several ways in which we may start into existence oscillations in an aerial. First, the aerial may be insulated, and we may charge it to a high potential and allow this charge suddenly to rush out. Although this process gives rise to a disturbance in the ether, as already explained, it is analogous to a pop or explosion in the air, rather than to a sustained musical note. The exact acoustic analogue would be obtained if we imagine a long pipe pumped full of air and then suddenly opened at one end. The air would rush out, and, communicating a blow to the outer air, would create an atmospheric disturbance appreciated as a noise or small explosion. This is what happens when we cut the string and let the cork fly out from a bottle of champagne. At the same time, the inertia of the air rushing out of the tube would cause it to overshoot the mark, and a short time after opening the valve the tube, so far from containing compressed air, would contain air slightly rarefied near its mouth, and this rarefication would travel back up the tube in the form of