larger vessel of acid, and lead electrodes are placed in both compartments. The current and intermittency can be regulated by more or less closing the aperture between the two regions.
When the Wehnelt break is applied to an ordinary ten-inch induction coil, and the inductance of the primary circuit and the electromotive force varied until the break interrupts the current regularly, and with the frequency of some hundred a second, the character of the secondary discharge is entirely different from its appearance with the ordinary hammer break. The thin blue lightning-like sparks are then replaced by a thicker mobile flaming discharge, which resembles an alternating current arc, and when carefully examined or photographed is found to consist of a number of separate discharges superimposed upon one another in slightly different positions.
Many theories have been adopted as to the action of the break, but time will not permit us to examine these. Professor S. P. Thompson and Dr. Marchant have suggested a theory of resonance.[1] One difficulty in explaining the action of the break is created by the fact that it will not work if the platinum wire is made a kathode.
Although the Wehnelt break has some advantages in connection with the use of the induction coil for Röntgen ray work, its utility as far as regards Hertzian wave telegraphy is not by any means so marked. It has already been explained that, in order to charge a condenser of a given capacity at a constant voltage, the electromotive force must be applied for a certain minimum time, which is determined by the value of the capacity and the resistance of the secondary circuit of the induction coil. If the coil is a ten-inch coil and has a secondary resistance of say 6,000 ohms, and if the capacity to be charged has a value say of one thirtieth of a microfarad, then the time-constant of the circuit is 1⁄5,000 of a second. Therefore, the contact with the condenser must be maintained for at least 1⁄5,000 of a second, during the time that the secondary electromotive force of the coil is at its maximum, so that the condenser may become charged to a voltage which the coil is then capable of producing.
In the induction coil, the electromotive force generated in the secondary coil at the 'break' of the primary current is higher than that at the 'make,' and this electromotive force, other things being equal, depends upon the rate at which the magnetism of the iron core dies away, and its duration is shorter in proportion as the whole time occupied in the disappearance of the magnetism is less. The Wehnelt break does not increase the actual secondary electromotive force, nor apparently its duration, but it greatly increases the number of times per second this electromotive force makes its appearance. Hence this break increases the current, but not the electromotive force in the
- ↑ See The Electrician, Vol. XLII., 1899.