south of the Danube; and a western division, comprising those Slavic peoples whose progress westward in Europe has formed a Slavic wedge, separating the Germans of upper and lower Austria from the Germans of Saxony and Brandenburg. The above table indicates a simple geographical classification.

The unshaded portion of the map shows the territory in Europe occupied by Slavs.
Since of the many subdivisions given in the preceding table only five furnish us with more than one thousand immigrants a year, and since these five races aggregate ninety-seven per cent, of the total Slavic immigration, a consideration of them practically covers the whole field. The following table shows the numerical strength of the Slavic arrivals for the year ended June 30, 1902.
Poles | 69,620 |
Slovaks | 36,934 |
Croats | 30,233 |
Ruthenians | 7,533 |
Czechs | 5,590 |
All other Slavs including Russians, Bulgars, Serbs, Montenegrins, etc. | 5,879 |
Total Slavs | 155,789 |
The Poles.
The lot of the Polish peasant has always been unhappy. When Poland at the zenith of her power ruled White Russians, Ruthenians