sary just forward of the respiratory siphon with its powerful mouth parts, and working the tail in first it would gradually swallow its victim, shaking it now and then as a terrier would shake a rat.
After losing many of the insects in this way, those that remained were separated, and each individual was placed in a small bottle by itself. Eventually, 1 succeeded in rearing a number of
males and females. The pupal stage of this insect varies from five days and nine hours to six days and ten hours. The adult (see Fig. 15) resembles Anopheles in having maculated or spotted wings, but is much larger and measures eleven millimeters in length. Its mouth parts, however, are not adapted for biting. A full description of the imago is soon to be recorded by Mr. D. W. Coquillett, of the National Museum, by whom the name above mentioned was given.