John D. Runkle. graduate school of engineering research including two research laboratories, one for physical chemistry under the charge of Professor A. A. Noyes and one for sanitary engineering under the' charge of Professor Wm. T. Sedgwick. The former is to occupy one of the new buildings now being erected beyond the Pierce building, and will consist mainly of a series of small laboratories, with special rooms for weighing, photography, glass-blowing, pure water distillation, etc. There will be next year nine or ten research assistants and associates working under the direction of the professors of the institute, and every facility will be given to advanced students wishing to carry on research work. The Sanitary Research Laboratory and Sewage Experiment Station has leased a building on the line of the largest main sewer, in which have been fitted up laboratories for chemical and bacteriological work, including a tank and filter house.
The institute has recently lost by death two of the original members of its faculty, whose portraits are here given. Professor John B. Henck was professor of civil engineering from John B. Henck. 1860 to 1881. During this period he devoted himself largely to the work of teaching, but at this time and previously he also carried forward engineering works, the most important probably being the filling in and improvement of the Back Bay district of Boston. His 'Field Book for Railway Engineers,' published in 1854, and subsequently revised, passing through many editions, is a standard work. After retiring from his chair at the institute. Professor Henck settled in California and spent his life in retirement, dying early in the present year at the age of eighty-eight years. Professor John D. Runkle was professor of mathematics at the institute from 1865 until last year, when he was made professor emeritus. During this long period he was closely identified with the development of the institute, being always one of the leading members of the faculty and for a time presi-