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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 64.djvu/579

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Pelée, The Eruption of, July 9, 1902, T. A. Jaggar, Jr., 219
Pettus, Charles P., Washington University 355
Philippines, Botany in the 286
Population, Rural, The Growth of, Frank T. Carlton 177
Predecessors of Copernicus, Edward S. Holden 316
Priestley, The Centenary of the Death of 565
Progress, of Science 91
Progress, of Science 189
Progress, of Science 282
Progress, of Science 375
Progress, of Science 474
Progress, of Science 565
"Scientific Investigation and, Ira Remsen 291
"Recent, in the Study of Radio-activity 476
Prussian, Royal, Academy of Science, Berlin, Edward F. Wllliams 415
Prussian, Royal, Academy of Science, Berlin, Edward F. Wllliams 523
Public Health, Immigration and, Allan McLaughlin 232

Radiation, Recent Discoveries in, and their Significance, R. A. Millikan 481
Radioactivity, Recent Progress in the Study of 476
Remsen, Ira, Scientific Investigation and Progress 291
Renaissance of Science, Edward S. Holden 5
Roe, William J., The New West Point 32
Rural Population, The Growth of, Frank T. Carlton 177
Russian Immigration, The Bright Side of, Allan McLaughlin 66

St. Louis, The Academy of Science of, William Trelease 117
"Exposition and its Congress of Arts and Science 379
Salmon, Return of. Parent-stream Theory of, David Starr Jordan 48
"and Salmon Streams of Alaska, David Starr Jordan 165
Scheppegrell, Wm., Voice, Song and Speech 262
Science, The Renaissance of, Edward S. Holden 5
"The Progress of 91
"The Progress of 189
"The Progress of 282
"The Progress of 375
"The Progress of 474
"The Progress of 565
"St. Louis Academy of, William Trelease 117
"Applied, and Rear-Admiral G. W. Melville in Construction of the New Fleet, R. H. Thurston 183
"and Arts, Congress of, at St. Louis Exposition 379
"Academy of, Royal Prussian, Edward F. Williams 415
"Academy of, Royal Prussian, Edward F. Williams 523
"and Colorado College 569
Sciences and Latin in the Secondary Schools 571
Scientific, Items 96
Scientific, Items 192
Scientific, Items 288
Scientific, Items 384
Scientific, Items 480
"Societies, Convocation Week Meetings of 283
"Societies, Convocation Week Meetings of 375
"Investigation and Progress, Ira Remsen 291
"Basis of Cheese Making 383
Sex, the Determination of. Recent Theories in regard to, T. H. Morgan 97
Shorter Articles and Discussion 87
Shorter Articles and Discussion 187
Societies, Scientific, Convocation Week Meetings of, 283 375
Song, Voice and Speech, Wm. Scheppegrell 262
Southern Agriculture, its Conditions and Needs, D. D. Wallace 245
Species, Evolution not the Origin of, O. F. Cook 445
Speech, Voice and Song, Wm. Scheppegrell 262
Spencer, Herbert, What Knowledge is of Most Worth? 274
Spencer, Herbert 282
Stevens, W. Le Conte, The Metric System, Shall it be Compulsory? 394
Stevenson, J. J., The College Course 202
Storm Center in the Balkans, Allan McLaughlin 173

Taylor, J. Madison, The Conservation of Energy in those of Advancing Years 343
Taylor, J. Madison, The Conservation of Energy in those of Advancing Years 406
Taylor, J. Madison, The Conservation of Energy in those of Advancing Years 541
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 53
Telegraphy, Wireless, Hertzian Wave, J. A. Fleming 152
Tetrahedral Kites of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, Gilbert H. Grosvenor 131
Thurston, R. H., Rear-Admiral G. W. Melville and Applied Science in Construction of the New Fleet 183
Thurston, Robert Henry 189
Tokyo Teikoku Diagaku (Imperial University of Tokyo), Naohidé Yatsu 466
Trelease, William, The Academy of Science of St. Louis 117
Tropical, Atlantic, A Laboratory for the Study of Marine Zoology in, Alfred Goldsborough Mayer 41
"Station at Cinchona Jamaica, N. L. Britton 427

Vegetarianism, Some Historical Aspects of, Lafayette B. Mendel 457
Voice, Song and Speech, Wm. Scheppegrell 262

Wallace, D. D., Southern Agriculture, its Conditions and Needs 245
Washington University, Charles P. Pettus 355
West Point, The New, William J. Roe 32
Williams, Edward F., The Royal Prussian Academy of Science, Berlin 415
Williams, Edward F., The Royal Prussian Academy of Science, Berlin 523