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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 64.djvu/59

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timed at a certain rate, the bobbin will act like a closed organ pipe to air impulses and oscillations of potential will be accumulated at the opposite end, which have much greater amplitude than the impressed oscillations at the end at which they are applied. We can make the existence of the amplitude oscillations of potential evident by attaching to one end of the bobbin a vacuum tube, which will be illuminated there by, or by terminating it by a pointed piece of wire, Fig. 22. Seibt's Apparatus for Exhibiting Electric Resonance. I, induction coil; S, spark gap; CC, condensers; L, variable inductance; E, earth plate; WW, wire spirals; VV, vacuum tubes. so that an electrical brush can be formed at the point, if the potential variations have sufficient amplitude. We arrange also another closed oscillation circuit consisting of two Leyden jars and a variable inductance coil and a pair of spark balls which are connected to an induction coil. In this manner we can set up oscillations in the discharge circuit of these Leyden jars, and we can vary the time period by altering the inductance and the capacity. If we denote the capacity of the jars in the microfarads by the letter C and the inductance in centimeters of the discharge circuit of the jars by the letter L, it can then be shown that the number of oscillations per second denoted by n is given by the expression:[1]

n 5,000,000√CL

If now we adjust the Leyden jar circuit to a particular rate of oscillation, we have between the terminals of the jar or condenser an alternating difference of potential or electromotive force. If we connect one side of the jars to the earth and the other side to the foot of one of the spirals or bobbins above described, we shall find perhaps that the vacuum tube at the other end is not rendered luminous. When, however, we adjust the inductance in the discharge circuit of the jar to a certain value to make the frequency of the condenser oscillations agree with the natural time period of the bobbin terminated by the vacuum tube, this latter at once lights up brilliantly. Again, if we connect both these bobbins at the same time to the discharge circuit of the Leyden jar, we shall find that we can make an adjustment of the inductance of that circuit, such that either of the bobbins at pleasure can be made to respond and be set in electrical vibration, as shown by the illumination of the vacuum tube at its upper end or by an electrical

  1. See Cantor Lectures, on 'Electrical Oscillations and Electric Waves,' delivered before the Society of Arts, London, November 26, December 4, 10, 17, 1900. Lecture I., page 12, of reprint.