director of the Observatory at Nice; of Dr. W. W. Markownikow professor of chemistry in the University of Moscow; of Arthur Greeley, professor of biology at Washington University, St. Louis; and of John I. Jegi, professor of psychology and physiology in the Milwaukee State Normal School.
Dr. Alexander Agassiz, director of the Harvard University Museum and president of the National Academy of Sciences, has been advanced to a foreign associate of the Paris Academy of Sciences, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir George Gabriel Stokes.—McGill University has conferred the degree of LL.D. on Dr. Edward L. Trudeau of Saranac Lake, N. Y., in recognition of his work on the open-air treatment of tuberculosis, and on Mr. Edward Weston, of Newark, N. J., the investigator and inventor in electrical science.—Dr. Simon Flexner, director of the Rockefeller Institute, New York, has been elected president of the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists.
Professor C. S. Sherrington, of Liverpool University, opened his course of Silliman lectures at Yale University on April 22.—The subjects of the Herter lectures given during April at the Johns Hopkins University by Professor Paul Ehrlich were: (1) 'The mutual relations between toxine and antitoxine'; (2) 'Physical chemistry versus biology in the doctrines of immunity'; (3) 'Cytotoxines and cytotoxic immunity.'
The new medical laboratories of the University of Pennsylvania will be dedicated on June 11. The laboratories cost $700,000. The principal addresses will be delivered by Dr. H. P. Bowditch, professor of physiology at the Harvard Medical School; Dr. R. H. Chittenden, director of the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University; Dr. George Dock, professor of medicine at the University of Michigan, and Dr. Horatio C. Wood, professor of materia medica and pharmacy at the University of Pennsylvania.—Active preparations are being made at the New York Zoological Garden in Bronx Park for taking the animals out of winter quarters. Work is also being pushed with all possible speed on several new houses in the garden, the most important of which are the bird house, to cost $115,000; the small mammal house, to cost $38,000, and the ostrich house, to cost about the same sum.—The executive committee of the Carnegie Institution has adopted the recommendation of the biological committee to establish a Department of Experimental Biology and to call Professor C. B. Davenport, of the University of Chicago, to the charge of it. The work of the department will include at present, among others, a station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, on land granted by the Wawepex Society, and a Tropical Marine Biological Station at the Dry Tortugas. Dr. Davenport is proposed as director of the former station and Dr. Alfred G. Mayer, of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, as director of the latter station. Fuller details are promised as the plans of the department progress.