University, and by the vice-presidents of the sections—Professor Alexander Ziwet, of the University of Michigan; Professor Leonhard Kinnicutt, of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Professor E. A. Smith, of the University of Alabama; Dr. C. Hart Merriam, of the U. S. Biological Survey; Professor W. F. Magie, of Princeton University; Professor B. L. Robinson, of Harvard University, and Dr. Martin A. Knapp, of the Interstate Commerce Bureau Commission, and Professor David S. Jacobus, of Stevens Institute. These addresses are in course of publication in Science. Dr. F. P. Venable, president of the University of South Carolina, gave a presidential address before the American Chemical Society, and Mr. Elwood Mead, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, gave a lecture complimentary to the citizens of New Orleans. The programs of the sections, presided over by the vice-presidents, some of whose portraits we are able to give, were of unequal scientific value. The section of anthropology had no meetings, and in the cases of geology and zoology the programs were small. This is explained by the fact that the anthro-
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