It is evident that minor disturbances occur along all the fault lines in California and that but one break comparable to that of 1906 has taken place within historic times in California. This was the earthquake of 1868. This was far less violent than that of 1906, along the San Francisco peninsula, although extending farther to the south than the other. It may be remembered that the population of the region is now much greater than in 1868, and in like manner, the possibilities of mischief on the part of earthquakes has been correspondingly increased. The danger from earthquakes itself is relatively a small matter, but it should be considered in the building arrangements of regions where such disturbances are likely to recur. It is as easy to make buildings virtually earthquake-proof as water-proof, unless standing directly over the fault itself. In this connection we may close with the pertinent words of the engineer, William H. Hall, of San Francisco: "The earthquake has put a definition on the word sham, which seems positively cruel. It has established a value on the solid foundation and genuine superstructure which is indeed ennobling."
It would redound to the moral and spiritual elevation of any community to be assured of a smart shock at intervals and of a real temblor once in each generation.