Survey. A letter from Mr. Arnold Hague was read, as also a telegram from Mr. Henry Gannett. Mr. Gifford Pinchot paid a tribute to Mr. Walcott in relation to the forestry work of the government. The closing address was by the Hon. James R. Garfield, secretary of the interior.
We regret to record the deaths of Professor W. H. Bakhus-Rooseboom, professor of physical chemistry at Amsterdam; of M. Marcel Bertrand, professor of geology in the Paris School of Mines, and of Professor Ernst von Bergmann, the distinguished German surgeon.
Lord Lister celebrated his eightieth birthday on April 4, on which occasion it was announced that a collected edition of his scientific papers would be published.—The London Society of Dyes and Colors has founded in honor of Sir William Perkin a Perkin medal to be conferred for scientific and industrial work connected with the dyeing industries.—Professor George T. Ladd, who recently retired from the active duties of the chair of philosophy at Yale University, has gone from Japan to Korea, at the invitation of Marquis Ito, in the interest of the educational development of the country.—The Prussian ministry of education has appointed Professor Felix Adler as Theodore Roosevelt professor in the University of Berlin for the year 1908-09, upon the nomination of the trustees of Columbia University, where he holds the chair of political and social ethics.
The new buildings of the Carnegie Institute at Pittsburg were dedicated with imposing ceremonies on April 11, in the presence of a large number of invited guests from Europe and the United States. The ceremonies were extended through three days. Previous to the dedication it was announced that Mr. Carnegie had given $6,000,000—four million to be added to its endowment and two million for the Technical Schools, half for further buildings and half for endowment.
At the meeting of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations at Baton Rouge last November a resolution was adopted instructing the incoming president of the association to appoint a commission of five persons to inquire into and report to the association on the organization and policy that should prevail in the expenditure of public money provided for experimentation and research in agriculture. The president of the association, Dean L. H. Bailey, of Cornell University, has appointed the following commission, the first two representing persons outside agricultural investigations, the second two representing the association, and the last representing the Department of Agriculture: David Starr Jordan, president of Leland Stanford University, chairman; Carroll D. Wright, president of Clark College; H. P. Armsby, director of the Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station; W. H. Jordan, director of the New York State Experiment Station; Gifford Pinchot, forester, U. S. Department of Agriculture.