E. O. Lovett, Ph.D.,
Professor of Astronomy at Princeton University. Retiring Vice-president and Chairman of the Section of Astronomy and Mathematics. President-elect of the Rice Institute. It will be noted that in recent years the association has fulfilled its mission as a national organization by meeting as far west as Denver and as far south as New Orleans. But the registration has been comparatively small. At the present Chicago meeting the registration was 725, and the general secretary estimates that this represents an attendance of scientific men close to two thousand. This is only about twenty per cent, less than at the largest eastern meetings.
The magnitude of the meeting is mainly significant as the most convenient measure of its scientific importance. There were 159 papers on the programs of the American Chemical Society, the American Society of Botanical Chemists and the Chemical Section of the Association. While the chemists are the largest group, the programs of special papers in other sciences were in proportion. Dayton C Miller,
Professor of Physics, Case School of Applied Science. Retiring Vice-president and Chairman of the Section of Physics. There were also many general addresses and less technical sessions. First should be mentioned the address of the retiring president of the association, Dr. W. H. Welch, of the Johns Hopkins University, who traced with characteristic charm and clearness the historical interdependence of medicine and other sciences of nature. The standard set by this address was maintained by the chairmen of the sections and the presidents of the affiliated societies. Among the general discussions should be mentioned that before the American Society of Naturalists on cooperation in biological research, and those before sections of the association on public health, immunity and the teaching of mathematics to students of engineering. The well organized and interesting sessions of the newly organized section of education, with the address of its first chairman, Dr. Elmer E. Brown, United States Commissioner of Education, deserve special mention.
The American Association is becoming increasingly a center for affiliation and organization, the special programs