The year book of the Carnegie Institution is always a scientific document of interest, as, in addition to the administrative reports, it contains a summary of the research work accomplished under the auspices of the institution. The report of the president of Harvard University includes brief statements from the heads of departments and laboratories, but as a rule such reports ignore in large measure the real work which a university accomplishes.
President Woodward's report reviews the administrative and scientific work of the year and discusses the question of publication. It appears that the printing of the scientific publications, apart from the expense of editing, administration and distribution, has cost $109,609, while the sales have amounted to $4,078. The "Index Medicus" has cost $51,461, with receipts of $13,837, and the year books have cost $8,416, with receipts of $220. The president expects that 500 to 700 copies of each publication will ultimately be sold, and recommends decreasing the free copies given to authors.
The new geophysical laboratory was completed during the year. It is situated on rising ground in the northeast section of Washington and has been carefully planned with reference to the researches to which it is devoted. The solar observatory on the Pacific coast has been active in construction as well as in astronomical observations. A tower telescopic apparatus has been erected with a vertical telescope of sixty feet focal length. By means of a cœlostat and a 12-inch objective, the solar image is formed and is carried beneath the ground by a spectrograph. The magnetic survey of the Pacific and of certain land areas has been actively continued. Apart from the work at

Geophysical Laboratory.