Family." This was followed by his important work on "Ancient Society," which treats the growth of intelligence through inventions and discoveries, of government, of the family and of property. He was also the author of works on "Houses and House-life of the American Algonquins" and on "The American Beaver."
Morgan bequeathed most of his property to the University of Rochester for the higher education of woman. His anthropological works led him to say: "Democracy in government, brotherhood in society, equality in rights and privileges, and universal education foreshadow the next higher plane of society to which experience, intelligence and knowledge are steadily tending. It will be a revival, in a higher form, of the liberty, equality and fraternity of the ancient gentes." Morgan was not only a pioneer and leader in the study of the American Indians, but one of the founders of ethnology, a science likely to become dominant in the course of the present century.
The former students and friends of Dudley Allen Sargent, A.M., Sc.D., M.D., director of the Hemenway Gymnasium, Harvard University, have presented him with a bronze medallion. The medallion, designed by Dr. R. Tait McKenzie, has above the face of Dr. Sargent the words "Dudley Allen Sargent, Pioneer in Physical Education, 1907," while on the reverse is a row of five Harvard seals below the words, "A Recognition by his Friends and Students." Two hundred and thirty persons contributed to the medallion fund. A plaster model of the medallion and a bound volume containing the autographs of the contributors to the fund were presented to Dr. Sargent by Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick at the twenty-fifth commencement of the Sargent Normal School of Physical Training held in Sandars Theater, June 1, 1907. The bronze medallion was finished recently and presented to Dr. Sargent. The Sargent medallion committee is having struck a limited number of copies of the medal. These are to be presented to President Roosevelt, Secretary William Taft, Major General Bell. Governor Curtis Guild and Booker T. Washington, who were all students under Dr. Sargent.
We record with regret the death of Dr. Robert Chalmers, of the Canadian