ence, by Mr. Warner, of Cleveland, Ohio, and in education, by Dr. Brown, U. S. Commissioner of Education. Addresses of general interest will be given before many of the affiliated societies, and there will be a large number of discussions, such as the one before the American Society of Naturalists on cooperation in biological research, in addition to a very large number of special papers to be read before the sections and societies.
The migratory meetings of the American Association enable it to bring to different centers a large proportion of the active scientific workers of the country, who should stimulate the intellectual activity of the community, while at the same time the members of the association have each year the privilege of a visit to an educational center, from which they can perhaps profit as much as from the programs of the meetings. The association has not met in Chicago for forty years. During this period science and higher education in this country have entered upon a new era, and during the latter part of it Chicago has assumed its proper place of leadership. Northwestern University opened its doors in 1855, and with its well-organized schools and four thousand students has become one of the leading universities of the country. The Field Museum of Natural History, organized at the close of the exposition of 1893 and recently endowed by Mr. Marshall Field with a bequest of $8,000,000, is one of the great museums of the country and of the world. Of special interest to the visiting members will be the University of Chicago, where most of the meetings will be held. Thanks to the vast gifts of Mr. John D. Rockefeller and the liberal cooperation of the citizens of Chicago, seconded by the organizing ability of the late President Harper.