hyphenated word was joined on the previous page because of the intervening image.— Ineuw talk 06:42, 15 November 2013 (UTC) (Wikisource contributor note)
Present needs: A, Library; B, Administration Building; C, C, Class Rooms; D, D, D, D, Laboratories: E, Levering Hall (Y. M. C. A.): F, Dining Hall; G, Dormitory; H, Gymnasium; S, Athletic Field; T, Tennis Courts. Future needs: K, Assembly Hall; L, L, Museums; M, Chapel; N, N, Laboratories; O. Museum; P, P, P, P, P, P, P, Dormitories; R, President's House.
the widening of personal interests and acquaintance, and the development of a spirit of loyalty to science and scientific ideals. The machinery for conducting a large meeting of this character is not fully adjusted—it is only five years ago that the first of the convocation week meetings was held in Washington—but each year the friction has become less, and the advantages have become more evident.
The first general meeting will be held at ten o'clock on the morning of December 28 in McCoy Hall of the Johns Hopkins University. Addresses of welcome will be made by Dr. Ira Remsen, president of the university, and Dr. William H. Welch, chairman of the local committee, both past presidents of the association, and the president of the meeting, Professor T. C. Chamberlin, will reply. In the evening, the retiring president. Professor E. L. Nichols, will give his address, and during the week the vice-presidents for the sections and the presidents of many of the special societies will make addresses. These will in most cases be of general interest to scientific men, and special sessions will be arranged that will be of general interest. The most notable is an entire day (January 1) with a dinner in the evening devoted to the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the "Origin of Species." A symposium on public health will be held on December 31.
When the Johns Hopkins University was opened in 1876, it adopted the wise policy of spending its means on men rather than on buildings. Its laboratories are. however, admirably equipped, and with its medical school—unfortunately at some distance from the other departments—it offers all needed facilities for a large scientific meeting. The university will, when money is obtained, remove to the beautiful site it has purchased on the outskirts of the city. In addition to athletic grounds there is at present in use only some equipment for the botanical department. The site will be developed and buildings erected in accordance with the plan here given.