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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 74.djvu/112

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the world—to strangers, a surprise and an enchantment; to us Brazilians a source of pride.

The visitor who comes to Rio with the idea that he is to see a grand exposition, on a large scale, will be disappointed. Compared with any of the international expositions, this Brazilian undertaking is naturally very small. It covers but little ground. Its buildings are few in number, and not notable for size, beauty of architecture, or originality of arrangement. The exhibits are not numerous, nor are they very impressive, to the casual visitor. But the Rio Exposition means very much to Brazilians. Seen with their eyes, it embodies the

The Portuguese Pavilion.
This pavilion was erected and offered by Brazil to the Portuguese nation for exhibition purposes.

spirit of their national progress; it gives tangible evidence of what Brazil can do in the way of products and manufactures; it serves to show that Brazil is becoming less dependent upon foreign countries: it therefore strongly appeals to the patriotic side of the people. When looked at by a foreigner so far as possible with Brazilian eyes, this exposition is not merely interesting; it is well worth careful study. The location was wisely chosen, at the southern end of the city, near the old military school, where the land now occupied by the exposition buildings was largely wasted. That quarter of the city will, from this time on, assume a different aspect. Most of the money which has been spent by the government has gone into permanent buildings. The