hyphenated word was joined on the previous page because of the intervening image.— Ineuw talk 08:12, 15 November 2013 (UTC) (Wikisource contributor note)
2, 1809. He was the eldest of thirteen children. Aided by a scholarship he went to the University of Heidelberg in the year 1827, where he had as fellow-students and companions Karl Schimper and Alexander Braun. Political embarrassments caused him to go in the autumn of 1828 to Berlin University for two years, and finally to Würzburg, where he took his degree of Doctor of Medicine in the summer of 1831. His inaugural dissertation, "De Antholysi Prodromus," published at Frankfort in 1832, testifies to his truly scientific mind.
Trelease, Wm., and Gray, Asa, "Botanical Works of Engelmann," 1-548, 1887.
Sargent, C. S., "Silva of North America," 8: 84, 1895.
White, C. A., "Biogr. Mems. Nat. Acad. Sci., 4: 3-21, 1896.