rado, which he explored.—The committee in charge of a fund for a memorial to the late Dr. Andrew J. McCosh announces that more than $100,000 has been subscribed. The fund will be devoted to some portion of the new buildings of the Presbyterian Hospital, with the surgical service of which Dr. McCosh was identified.—It is proposed to endow as a memorial to the late Dr. William T. Bull an institution for surgical research to be connected with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University.
The Royal Academy of Stockholm has presented Mr. Thomas A. Edison with its Adelskiold gold medal for his inventions in connection with the phonograph and the incandescent light. This medal is conferred once in ten years.—The ambassadorship to Great Britain has been offered to President Eliot after his retirement from the presidency of Harvard University, but it is said that he is not likely to accept.
It is announced that President Taft has requested Surgeon General Wyman to draw up a tentative plan for the consolidation under one bureau of the agencies exercised by the federal government for the preservation of the public health.