comprises the following departments: college, graduate, observatory, summer school, Saturday and evening classes, engineering, mining, medicine, dentistry, law and pharmacy.
The students in the regular classes during the past year have numbered 1,129. Those taking special work were 114, making a total of 1,243. The region in which the university is now located is remarkable because of the large number of fine buildings housing various educational and other institutions of the city. It bids fair to become one of the famous centers of the country.
The former buildings of the college and engineering school have been sold and the proceeds placed in the permanent fund of the university. During the past year nearly $300,000 have been raised by popular subscription. The first charter of the university was granted in 1787. The present year marks practically the first consolidation of the several departments under the absolute ownership and control of the university.
In 1904 Mrs. Percy Sladen endowed with £20,000 a trust fund for the furtherance of research in the natural sciences in memory of her husband, who had died four years previously. The trustees of this fund, who are themselves men of science, are allowed