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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 78.djvu/299

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for the consistent readjustment of one particular little feature, he will tone down, haul in his flying colors, and investigate the ground on which he stands. He may even go so far as to feel that whatever is is best under the circumstances. Here is where his mellowness of experience, knowledge of men and evolution of institutions, and his practical sagacity will be tested. If he is shrewd he will progress slowly and by such steps that both he himself and his superiors may acquire confidence in his work. At the same time he will miss no opportunity of making himself useful in a tentative and provisional way.

He is not a practising physician. While a medical education is most desirable he must have a really different point of view from that of the practising physician. In the first place, he observes and recognizes the mental half of man in a way in which the institutional physician does not; and herein lies his mission. His place is to supplement the work of the physician.

He does not surrender his scientific freedom. With all these restrictions he must demand one great privilege, the freedom of a man of science. Unless he is given time for patient and deliberate search, freedom from necessity to rush into print, exemption from excessive routine duties, reasonable physical equipment and assistance, he can not grow into that scholarly attitude which is necessary for effective work and results on a large scale.

What then shall be his training? Applied psychology is more difficult than pure psychology, if such there be. The consulting psychologist must, therefore, like all consulting experts, come with high qualifications. In the first place he should have the laboratory training in psychology which would correspond to that required for the doctorate in order to get thoroughly impregnated with the spirit of research, but this graduate work could profitably be planned with reference to the field he is to enter. Then he must have knowledge of, and training in, that phase of work which he is to pursue, such as education, medicine, sociology, etc. And in addition to this academic training he must go through a process of apprenticeship in the field before he is qualified for the most responsible work. But he will be a university product in the best sense, and the universities must rise to the recognition of this opportunity for usefulness.

Just one concrete illustration of what a consulting psychologist is doing now in the way of scientific adjustment in an institution. In the New Jersey Training School for Feeble-minded, at Vineland, Dr. Goddard, in most hearty cooperation with Superintendent Johnstone, has carefully graded the children by the Binet method; i. e., he has determined the age of mental development and capacity, as opposed to the physical age. The children are then kept under systematic observation by the staff and record is made for the purpose of establishing