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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 78.djvu/624

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Nineteenth Century
Harpy Tomb British Museum 1838
Ludovisi Throne Rome 1886
Herakles shooting Munich 1811
Herakles and the apples of the Hesperides Olympia 1876
Charioteer Delphi 1896
Eleusinian Deities Athens 1859
Amazon Berlin 1868
Monument of Dexileos Athens 1863
Hermes of Praxiteles Olympia 1877
Hermes of Andros Athens 1833
Charioteer (Mausoleum) British Museum 1857
Mausolus British Museum 1857
Demeter (Knidus) British Museum 1858
Column-Drum (Ephesus) British Museum 1871
Hypnos British Museum 1855
Apoxyomenos Rome 1849
Sophocres Rome about 1839
Winged Victory Louvre 1863
Eubuleus (?) Athens 1885
Venus of Melos Louvre 1820
Battle of the gods and giants (Pergamon) Berlin 1879-80
Diadumenos (Delos) Athens 1894
"Athena thinking" Athens 1888
Dancing Faun Naples 1830
Warrior (Delos) Athens 1882
Silenos Athens 1862
Boxer resting Rome 1885
Augustus Cæsar Rome 1863
Young Apollo Berlin about 1880
Young Dionysos Rome 1881
Nereids British Museum 1838
Nike of Paionios Olympia 1875
Apollo and the Omphalos Athens 1862
Marsyas (after Myron) Rome 1823
Venus — Esquilene Rome 1874

It appears that of the seventy-six most famous monuments there were found:

In the fifteenth century or earlier 3 statues
In the sixteenth century 16 statues
In the seventeenth century 5 statues
In the eighteenth century 17 statues
In the nineteenth century 35 statues
Total 76 statues

The statistics of a list of all statues would not Serve our purpose as well as this enumeration, which relates only to the most celebrated works. The men of the Renaissance knew barely a score of the great statues. Roman copies of Greek originals were known to them, and a few of the great originals themselves. But how few they were