University, and of Dr. Johann Paul Schweitzer, emeritus professor of chemistry in the University of Missouri.
The Paris Academy of Sciences has awarded its Lalande Prize to Dr. Lewis Boss, director of the Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. Its general prizes, each of the value of $2,000, have been awarded to M. Jules Tannery, of Paris, for his mathematical publications, and to M. Deperet, of Lyons, for his geological publications.
Professor L. H. Bailey has tendered to the trustees of Cornell University his resignation as director of the New York State College of Agriculture.—Dr. E. C. Franklin, professor of organic chemistry at Stanford University, has become professor of chemistry in the hygienic laboratory of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service.—Professor Clyde Furst, secretary of Teachers College, Columbia University, since 1902, has become secretary of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, succeeding Mr. John G. Bowman, who has become president of the University of Iowa.—The director of the Museo Nacional, Mexico, Sr. Garcia has resigned and Sr. Robelo has been appointed in his place. Sr. Batres, inspector of antiquities, is succeeded by Sr. Rodriguez.