most interesting results reached in Prof. Newcomb's memoir. It contains besides these a very complete development of the analytical methods required for the discussion of observations of this class, and practical hints as to the manner of making and treating such observations, which are of great importance. It is a gratifying thing to be able so soon to announce important results attained by means of the new telescope at Washington, and to see that so great a scientific trust as this has been administered by competent and faithful hands.
The Scientific Monthly. Pp. 55. Toledo, O.: E. H. Fitch, Editor and Proprietor.
The second number of this magazine has a diversified table of contents. The first article (illustrated) is on "The Swallow-tailed Kite." There are two articles by Prof. Charles Whittlesey; the one on "Rock Inscriptions" in Lorain Co., Ohio, and the other a comparison of the Indian and the Mound-Builder. The titles of the other leading articles are: "Climate and Disease," "The Brain," "The Archippus Butterfly," and "Some Atmospheric Phenomena." Price, $3.00 per year.
The Journal of Mental and Nervous Disease. Chicago: 57 Washington Street. Pp. 175. Subscription, $5 per annum.
This quarterly commences with the January number a new series. Its editors are J. S. Jewell, M.D., and H. M. Bannister, M. D., with Drs. W. A. Hammond, S. Weir Mitchell, and E. H. Clarke, as associate editors. This first number of the new series contains Dr. Hammond's address on "The Brain not the Sole Organ of the Mind;" a paper by Dr. R. W. Taylor on "Syphilis of the Nervous System;" "Pathology of Tetanus," by Dr. Bannister; "Pathology of the Sympathetic Nervous System," by Dr. Clark; "Treatment of Inebriates," by Dr. N. S. Davis; and "Cerebral Anæmia," by Dr. T. L. Teed.
Science Byways. By Richard A. Proctor. Pp. 438. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Price, $4.00.
Under this title Mr. Proctor brings together sixteen essays, originally published in various magazines, on a wide range of topics. Two of these essays have appeared in the Monthly, namely, "Finding the Way at Sea," and "Money for Science." The latter subject the author purposes to discuss at greater length in a pamphlet soon to be published. As a popular expositor of science Mr. Proctor stands high, and this volume will be heartily welcomed by the important public to whom the author addresses himself. Among the other subjects treated in the present volume, we may name the following: "Life in Other Worlds," "Comets," "The Sun a Bubble," "The Weather and the Sun," "Rain," "Have we Two Brains?" "Automatic Chess and Card Playing."
The American Naturalist begins the year 1876 with unproved form and increased volume; each number now contains 64 pages. The magazine will be less technical than heretofore, and will have some additional departments, devoted to geography and travel, proceedings of scientific societies, etc. The first number issued since the "new departure" opens with a paper by Prof. A. Gray, entitled "Burs in the Borage Family." There is also a paper by Rev. Samuel Lockwood, in his usual lively style, on Anolis principalis, the American analogue of the chameleon of the Old World. There are five other leading articles in this first number. The Naturalist is now published by Hurd & Houghton, Boston. Subscription price, $4 per annum.
Native Races of the Pacific States. By H. H. Bancroft. Vol. V. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Price, $5.50. Pp. 796.
Angola and the River Congo. By J. J. Monteiro. Pp. 366. New York: Macmillan. Price, $2.50.
The Christ of Paul. By George Reber. Pp. 397. New York: Somerby. Price, $2.00.
Magnetism and Electricity. By F. Guthrie. Pp. 364. New York: Putnams. Price, $1.50.
Public Instruction in Minnesota. Pp. 285. St. Paul: Pioneer Press print.