Startling Facts in Modern Spiritualism. By N. B. Wolfe, M. D. Chicago: Religio-Philosophical Publishing House. Pp. 671.
Dr. Wolfe tells us that he has been for twenty-five years an observer of modern spiritualism. Had he not published this book, the world might never have known the extent of his gullibility. He has only himself to blame.
Contributions from the Laboratory of the State University. By P. Schweitzer, Ph. D. Jefferson City, Mo.: Regan & Carter. 1875. Pp. 38.
Two papers by Prof. Schweitzer, printed from the Catalogue of the University, comprise this pamphlet. One is upon the "True Composition of Coal," and the other on the "Water-Supply of Columbia, Boone County," with analyses. Both papers are of value, giving in detail the results of faithful and well-directed laboratory work.
Views and Interviews on Journalism. Edited by Charles F. Wingate. New York: F. B. Patterson. Pp. 372.
Mr. Wingate allows some of the prominent newspaper editors of the United States to express their opinions on journalism, its limits, its tendencies, its perils, its prospects, In some instances the editors are catechised in an interview, in others their views are ascertained by reference to the journals they edit.
The Lower Forms of Life found within the Oral Cavity. By C. N. Peirce, D. D. S. Pp. 23. Lancaster, Pa.: Pennsylvania Journal of Denial Science.
The forms of life here spoken of are six in number, five of them being vegetal growths, and the sixth an animal organism, a genus of infusorium. They are all microscopic organisms.
The Prospector's Manual. By W. J. Schofield. Boston: W. J. Schofield & Co. Pp. 96. Price, 50 cents.
Intended as a guide to the discovery of quartz and placer indications of gold and silver mines. The book further gives descriptions of metalliferous rocks of various kinds in the New England States and the neighboring provinces of Canada.
Journal of the American Electrical Society. Vol. I., No. 1. Chicago: Lakeside Publishing Co. Pp. 98.
The American Electrical Society, whose official organ this Journal is, has for its object the interchange of knowledge and the professional improvement of its members, the advancement of electrical and telegraphic science, and the establishment of a central point of reference. The articles which appear in the Journal consist chiefly of papers read at the meetings of the society, but papers from other sources on telegraphic and electrical subjects are also given. In the present number, the first article, which is well illustrated, is by Mr. Elisha Gray, on "The Transmission of Musical Tones telegraphically." There is also an illustrated article on "Quadruples Telegraphy." Among the selected articles we may name one on Edison's "New Force," by Dr. Beard, and a sketch of Sir Charles Wheatstone. The Publishing Committee, in a note prefixed to the present number, state that a second number may be issued in three or four months. Price, $1.50 per number.
Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota (1874). By N. H. Winchell. Pp. 36. St. Paul Pioneer Press print.
In this, his third annual report, the State geologist of Minnesota gives the results of his researches on the geology of the two counties of Freeborn and Mower. In the former county there is an abundance of peat, most of the marshes being peat-bearing. This peat is of the best quality, and is gradually coming into use for fuel. Geological maps of the two counties accompany the report.
Bulletin of the United States National Museum. By J. H. Kidder, M. D. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 51.
The present number of the "Bulletin" is devoted to a description of the ornithological specimens brought from Kerguelen Island by the Transit-of-Venus Expedition of 1874-'75. The number of species described is twenty-one, belonging to six families—Procellaridæ, Spheniscidæ, Laridæ, Phalacrocoracidæ, Anatidæ, and Chionididæ.