Filth-Dlseases. By J. Simon, M.D. Pp. 96. Boston: James Campbell. Price, $1.
Percy Bysshe Shelley as a Philosopher and Reformer. By C. Sotheran. Pp. 51. New York: Somerby. Price, $1.25.
Algebra for Beginners. By J. Loudon, M.A. Pp. 158. Toronto; Copp, Clark & Co.
Report on the Public Schools of Columbus, Ohio. Pp. 428. Columbus: S. A. Glenn,
The Textile Colorist (Monthly). For sale in New York by Wiley & Son. Price, $1 per number.
Report of New York City Superintendent of Schools (1875). Pp. 77. New York; Cushing & Bardua print.
Report on the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoölogy (1875). Pp. 68. Boston: Wright & Potter print.
Message of Governor Tilden (January, 1870).
Chemical Analyses of Fertilizers. Published by the Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture. Pp. 44.
The Bible and Science. By J. Weiss. Pp. 22. Boston: Cochrane & Sampson print.
Sheep-Husbandry in Georgia. Pp. 24. Atlanta: Harrison k Co. print.
Sympathy of Religions. By T. W. Higginson. Pp. 38. Boston: Free Religious Association. Price, 10 cents.
The Financial Problem. By Hon. E. Ward. Pp. IS. Washington Congressional Record print.
Charities of New York (1876). Pp. 69. New York; Putnams.
Sketch of the Life of J. A. Lapham. By S. S. Sherman. Pp. 80. Milwaukee: News Co. print.
Man's True Relation to Nature. By T. P. Wilson, M.D. Pp. 26. Cleveland, Ohio: L. H. White.
Sanitary Condition of Towns. Pp. 32 (Legislative Document). Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. print.
Elements of Life-insurance. Pp. 32. Boston: Wright k Potter print.
Variation in Strength of a Muscle. Pp 6. Also, New Form of Lantern Galvanometer. Pp. 3. By F. E. Nipher. Reprint from American Journal of Science.
Specimens of Milk from Vicinity of Boston. By S. P. Sharples, S. B. Pp. 7.
Valedictory Address to the Medico-Legal Society of New York. By C. Bell. Pp 22.
Meteorology and Health. By W. Blasius. Pp. 5.
Trichinous Pork.—Trichina spiralis was first discovered by Owen, in 1835, in human muscular tissue. Some twenty years later the parasite, as seen by Owen, namely, as a minute worm coiled up within a cyst, was found by Herbst to be the larva of a thread-like worm. The latter passes its life in the intestinal canal, the former inhabits the muscular tissue. When the flesh of animals infested by the larvæ is taken into the stomach, the immature trichinae quickly multiply, and in the course of a few days millions of the encysted larvæ may be found in the muscles. As has been shrewdly conjectured, it is not Improbable that the prohibition of pork as food, a prohibition enforced not only among the Jews, but among various races inhabiting widely-separate regions of the earth, had its origin in an observation of injurious consequences attending the use of swine's flesh. Dr. Sutton's "Report on Trichinosis," noticed in our January number, is worthy of the attention, not only of medical men, but of the public. We give herewith the result of his observations on the cases of the disease which came under his notice, and of his examination of hundreds of specimens of pork:
1. He found that all the cases which came under his observation were produced by eating uncooked or imperfectly-cooked pork. 2. He reiterates the uniform teaching of medical observers that the vitality of the trichinæ can be destroyed only by thorough cooking of the meat, and that the eating of merely smoked or dried pork is dangerous. 3. From microscopic examinations of pork killed in Southeastern Indi-