Fig. 6. Native Wild Flower Garden (Local Flora Section) of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, August 14, 1911. A small portion of the bog shows at the extreme left. The slope at the right is now thickly planted with local flora shrubs. In the background is shown the Prospect Heights reservoir, with water tower, and the laboratory of the municipal Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.
The main entrance to the laboratory building from the west or garden side opens into a central rotunda (Fig. 3). East of the rotunda is the well-lighted main library room, with an area of 1,050 square feet. Opening from this at one side is a stack room with a capacity for 10,000 volumes; at the opposite side, a librarian's work room, part of which may also be used for stacks. There is additional shelving space in the main reading room.
The portion of the building north of the central pavilion contains the public and private offices and the private laboratory of the director; a morphological laboratory 20 X 40 ft.; a herbarium room 23 X 28 ft.; a class room 20 X 40 ft.; six private research rooms 9 X 12 and 11 X 12 ft., and an experimental dark room 12 X 15 ft.
The southern wing contains two class rooms, each 20 X 40 ft.; an instructors' room 10 X 20 ft.; an elementary laboratory 23 X 34 ft.; a physiological laboratory 28 X 34 ft.; a constant-temperature room; a photographic operating room with overhead light, connecting with a photographic dark room, and two private offices for members of staff. The physiological laboratory connects with one of the wings of the conservatories, reserved for experimental work. Passage from one to the other may be had without going out of doors.