and we hope that it may be possible to publish here other articles containing accounts of work that in importance is not exceeded by that being accomplished in any science in any part of the world.
The attainment of. the South Pole is of dramatic and sporting interest to every one, and such expeditions are likely to yield scientific results of value. There is a dramatic appeal in the fact that the most remote and inaccessible ends of the earth have at least been brought within reach, in the north by Commander Peary and now in the south by Captain Amundsen. These quests have to a certain extent been international games of skill and endurance. In the present instance this aspect has been emphasized by the fact that Captain Amundsen secretly departed from his planned expedition to the Arctic to engage in the race with Captain Scott. We may hope that both reached the goal. It is not a matter of consequence whether it was first attained by a descendant of the vikings or by the people that sent Cook, Weddell, Ross, Scott and Shackleton to press each further than his predecessor to the south. The Monroe doctrine presumably does not include in its scope the Antarctic continent; but it seems unfortunate that we have done less than our share to explore the land immediately south of us.
It probably does not violate the copyright so carefully guarded by the New York Times on behalf of Captain