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of these. In science, Agassiz, Fabricius, Jenner, Linnæus, Olbers, Fields, Morse, Berzelius, Euler; in history and philosophy, George John Komannes, John G. Wilkinson, Hallam, Hobbes, Fronde, Sloan, Parkman, Bancroft, Schnelling, Schliermacher, Nietzsche, Müller; in art, Reynolds and Christopher Wren; in philanthropy, Clarkson and Granville Sharp, the anti-slavery agitators; in poetry, Lessing, Tennyson, Ben Jonson, Cowper, Goldsmith, Thomson, Coleridge, Addison, Young, John Keble, Matthew Arnold; among essayists, Emerson, Richter, Hazlitt; among novelists, Charles Kingsley, Henry James, and three daughters of clergymen, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, and Harriet Beecher Stowe.

But most remarkable is the long list of celebrated divines who were themselves sons of ministers. Among such are these names, Swedenborg, the seer, Jonathan Edwards, Archibald Hodge, Henry Ward Beecher, Lyman Abbott, Charles Spurgeon, Increase and Cotton Mather, Matthew Henry, the famous commentator, Frederick D. Maurice, Lightfoot, John and Charles Wesley, Mansell, Dorner and Dean Stanley.

In our American history the Field family is a noble example of the influence of clerical households. The father, the Reverend David D. Field was a minister of the Congregational church. One son, David Dudley, was the eminent jurist and law reformer; another, Stephen J., was an associate justice of the Supreme Court; a third son, Henry M., was a useful clergyman and author; and the fourth son was Cyrus W., who laid the Atlantic cable.

It is probable that ministers' sons have exerted more influence in the United States than in any other country. Among teachers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, men of business, and in the church, there are a great host who have been the sons of the manse. Of the more notable men in our history who were sons of ministers we find in political life, Cleveland, Clay, Buchanan, Arthur, Quay, Morton, Beveridge, Hughes, and the lamented Dolliver of Iowa; among jurists, Field and Brewer; among educators, Woodrow Wilson, Faunce, James, Carroll, Lounsbury; in history and literature, Sloan, Parkman, Bancroft, Holmes, Emerson, Henry James, Lowell, Gilder, Van Dyke; in invention and science, Cyrus W. Field, Samuel F. Morse, and Agassiz; in the church, Beecher, Alexander, Hodge, Abbott, Potter, Jonathan Edwards; in philosophy, James. In the Hall of Fame fifty-one famous Americans are honored. Of these fifty-one, ten are the children of ministers: Agassiz, Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry Clay, Jonathan Edwards, Emerson, Lowell, Morse, Bancroft, Holmes.

The Protestant ministry is justified of her children. Like the fabled Pactolus of Syria, whose sands carried the wealth of Crœsus, the ministerial family has flowed down the valleys of our national life weighted with the golden dust of achievement and renown.