went from Jamestown to San Francisco, where the plague had reappeared, where lie handled the situation admirably, allaying friction and working in noteworthy harmony with the municipal and state officers. Later he spent some time in Europe, studying emigration, preventive medicine and quarantine management. In May, 1910, Dr. Blue was detailed to represent the service at the International Congress on Medicine and Hygiene at Buenos Ayres, and took advantage of the opportunities
there offered to study possible routes by which yellow fever and plague might be imported into the United States.
The last detail before he became surgeon-general was in Honolulu, where he was sent to act in an advisory capacity to the Hawaiian board of health and other branches of the territory government in carrying out a sanitary program designed to decrease to the smallest possibility danger of invasion by yellow fever or bubonic plague after the opening of the Panama Canal, and to make their spread impossible, if introduced. The appointment to the surgeon-generalship made necessary the assumption of this work by Passed Assistant Surgeon McCoy, who thus takes up the role of adviser to the Civic Sanitation Committee of