If the person's work requires him to walk about all day, instead of sitting still and using his arms, he, of course, does the work of carrying his body, to say nothing of the other things he may carry, and the allowance must be three or four times as great as in the case of typewriting. A soldier on the march, walking less than three miles an hour, has been found to use 160 calories per hour for the muscular work alone. Most occupations which involve walking are less exacting because there are frequent rest periods. So, if we allow 75 calories per hour, it will probably supply the extra energy requirement over that of complete muscular rest, for, say, a fairly active salesman. This total intake in three meals, if he is of average weight, would be some 400 calories (four standard portions) more than that of the office worker. Two sample diets constructed so as to contain the twenty-four-hour requirements for the office worker and the salesman, respectively, are given below:
Full Daily Supply of Energy for a Salesman of Av. Weight (154 lbs.) | Full Daily Supply of Energy for an Office Worker of Average Weight |