policies. All suggestions should be presented in organized form, so stated to secure easy reference to appropriate committees.
These suggestions should be turned over, for analysis and recommendation, to the official committees of the faculty. There should be a large number of these and they should deal with all aspects of the scholastic and social life of the institution. The first few days of the faculty meetings may very well be given over to committee meetings of various kinds. Every member of the faculty should be a member of some official faculty committee, each thus being engaged in helping to work out the official policies of the institution. On the latter days of this week of meetings there should be regular meetings of the full faculty, every man present or accounted for, at which the constructive program of the university year shall be thoroughly considered.
All new suggestions should be carefully gone over in appropriate committees; all new problems considered in full; all the larger needs of the institution fully and freely discussed, both in committee meetings and in appropriate faculty meetings. The result of this week's work of individuals, faculties and committees should be, in the main, the determination of the general institutional policies for the year.
The regular faculty meetings should be for real discussion and deliberation; and it should be distinctly understood that the deliberations are worth something and that the decisions are to become the actual policies of the university, to be really administered by the officials of the institution, within the limits of the university's resources. A large university policy made up of suggestions offered freely by members of the faculty and worked out by the faculty itself in its own corporate meetings will command the loyalty and support of the faculty in a new way; and it will give some excuse for holding faculty meetings.
In addition to all these things, however, there should be a large number of voluntary committees, working with the organization and under general control of the university policy, having no authority to bind the university in any specific way, but simply helping in making the university policy successful. Every member of the faculty should be a member of some one of these voluntary committees. These opportunities for university service are unlimited; but there should be such voluntary committees on the following lines, at least:
1. Athletics: There should be in addition to the official committee on athletics a voluntary committee of fifteen or twenty members of the faculty loosely working together to secure a larger participation of the student body and faculty alike in athletics and physical education activities of all sorts. This committee should be composed of men and women interested in all forms of athletics and physical education, and it should work with class officers, with fraternities and: sororities, and all other sorts of organizations in developing a larger university atten-