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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 85.djvu/625

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I N D E X.

American, Genius, The Geographical Distribution of, Scott Nearing 189
"Whaling Industry, Graphics of the, J. Arthur Harris 83
Americans, Foreign-born, The Political Mind of, Abram Lipsky 397
Andrews, Launcelot W., A New Phase of an Old Conflict 541
Apiculture in the Time of Virgil, Georgia Willis Bead 167
Arabian and Medieval Surgery, John Foote 467

Bad Habit of having Law Makers and Lawyers, John Cotton Dana 87
Baldwin, Bird T., The Normal Child, its Physical Growth and Mental Development 559
Botanical Station, The Chinchona, Duncan S. Johnson 521
British Association for the Advancement of Science, Address of the President 412

Cannon, W. A., Tree Distribution in Central California 417
Carlton, Frank T., Ephemeral Labor Movements, 1866-1889 487
Carnegie, Andrew, A League of Peace 296
Cattell, J. McKeen, Science and International Good Will 304
Cellular Basis of Heredity and Development, Edwin Grant Conklin 105
Cellular Basis of Heredity and Development, Edwin Grant Conklin 232
Child, The Normal, its Physical Growth and Mental Development, Bird T. Baldwin 559
Chinchona Botanical Station, Duncan S. Johnson 521
Cincinnati New General Hospital 101
Civilization as a Selective Agency, Roland Hugins 476
College, The Small, and Its Faculty, One of the Presidents 184
Common Factors in Mental Health and Illness, F. Lyman Wells 568
Conflict, Old, A New Phase of an, Launcelot W. Andrews 541
Coniferous Forests of Eastern North America, Roland M. Harper 338
Conklin, Edwin Grant, Facts and Factors of Development 21
"The Cellular Basis of Heredity and Development 105
"The Cellular Basis of Heredity and Development 232
"Phenomena of Inheritance 313
"Phenomena of Inheritance 425
Conservation and Exchange, Union and Cooperation, The Evolution of Service by, William Patten 404
Coral Reefs of Torres Straits, An Expedition to the, Alfred Goldsborough Mayer 209
Crystals and X-rays 616
Cultivation of Waste Land, The, A. D. Hall 377

Dana, John Cotton, The Bad Habit of having Law Makers and Lawyers 87
Darwin, Major Leonard, Address before the Eugenics Education Society 205
Darwinism, Organic Evolution and the Churches 103
Decreasing Population of France, James W. Garner 247
Democracy, Municipal, Home Rule, the Hope of, Oswald Ryan 392
Desert Basin, A Comprehensive Study of a 413
Determining Educational Values, M. V. O'Shea 284
Development, Facts and Factors of, Edwin Grant Conklin 21
"and Heredity, the Cellular Basis of, Edwin Grant Conklin 105
"and Heredity, the Cellular Basis of, Edwin Grant Conklin 232
Distribution of Scientific Men among the different nations 516
Ductless Glands, Internal Secretions and Hormonic Equilibrium, Fielding H. Garrison 531

East Wind, The Paradox of the, Alexander McAdie 292
Education, Elementary and Secondary, Waste in, Franklin W. Johnson 40
"Work of General Board 101
"The Science of, John Perry 504
Educational Values, Determining, M. V. O'Shea 284
Elementary and Secondary Education, Waste in, Franklin W. Johnson 40
Emmerick, Charles F., The Struggle for Equality in the United States 56
Ephemera] Labor Movements, 1866-1889, Frank T. Carlton 487
Equality, The Struggle for, in the United States, Charles F. Emerick 56
Equilibrium, Hormonic, Internal Secretions and Ductless Glands, Fielding H. Garrison 531
Ethnic Factors in International Relations, Maurice Parmelee 146