The Operative Clinic Hall.
In the west end of the Spruce Street wing are the offices of the dean of the institution, and the board-room. The rest of the ground floor is divided into class-rooms and laboratories, the entire north wing being devoted to this purpose. To the right and left of the monumental hallway, which extends from the roof to the first floor, are rooms for various phases of clinical dental service, radiography, photography, instructors' rooms, etc., and a model dental office.
Another of the imposing features of the building is the large operative clinic hall in the north wing on the second floor. This occupies the entire wing on Irving Street and is two hundred feet long by forty-eight feet wide. This clinic room is thirty feet high, with a glass wall on the north side; the roof for a distance of about ten feet is also glass, giving all the daylight possible. The floor is covered with battleship linoleum. A gallery on the south side contains the lockers. The room is furnished with 135 chairs, each chair equipped with electric service for power and light. There is also gas, compressed air and water service to each chair.