Popular Science Monthly
Volume 88, January-June, 1916
The Death Toll of Our Misspent Aeronautic
Appropriation 90
A Spanish Lesson in Aeronautics 1 08
50,000 Bird Men Now Are Flying 248
Government Manufacture of Aeroplanes — A Na- tional Menace! 249
Aeroplane Drift 265
Delivering Mail by Aeroplane 341
Destroyers of the Air 351
Nine Thousand German Aeroplanes 368
A Pigmy Zeppelin 483
Destroyers of the Air 537
Militia Aero Corps 644
Captive Balloon Teaches a Lesson 693
Catapulting Seaplanes from Battleships 713
Punctured Zeppelins 882
Air Raids Involve Problems Hard to Solve 897
Monument Built to An Apple Tree 19
Giving a Pear Tree New Roots 55
Farming on a Precipice 63
How Gulls Help the Farmer 78
A Hog-Pen That Counts Hogs 105
A Feed Hopper for Chickens . Ill
A Trolley for the Stable Lamp 112
Lady Eglantine: The One-Hundred Thousand
Dollar Hen 324
Simplifying the Inspection of Farm Produce 385
A Dollar Made of Corn 391
Straw-Stacker Does Away with Man and Pitchfork 504
Making a Hen Lay Self- Preserving Eggs 507
A Whole Garden Kit in One Tool 565
Digging Fence-Post Holes by Means of a New
Machine 565
Stretching the Wire Taut 566
For Gathering Fallen Fruit 566
Taking the Bump Out of the Barrow 567
Making a Disk-Sled of a Harrow 567
Fertilizing Two Rows at Once 574
An Automatic Animal Fire Escape 652
Teaching Hens Good Manners 667
Poison Gas for American Pests 735
Hog-Power in the Hog-Pen 740
Maud Muller Up to Date 746
Rough on the Hen — but Useful . . '. 757
Keeping the Cow's Tail Out of the Milk Pail .... 758
An Ear-Corn Feeder for Hogs 793
Trench-Digging by Machinery 830
A New Powerful Farm-Tractor 857
Drying Cattle Hides in a Broiling Tropical Sun. . . 862
An Ancient Wooden Leg 29
Was This the Tower of Babel? 89
Is Mars Alive? 188
Why Is the Sun Hot 390
Measuring the Light of the Stars 824
An Armless Man Drives a Car at Racer's Speed . . 8
Imitation Hand Signals a Turn 9
An Automobile Show Case 24
Using an Automobile as a Winch 28
A Jack-of-all-Tradcs Truck 53
A Need for Electiic Rickshaws 53
��Cripple Makes a Fortune with Tri-Car; Then Runs Page
for City Council 58
Logging with Tiactors in the Maine Woods. . . 67
A Sleigh Motorcycle 75
Keeping the Motorcycle Busy 75
Indicator Tells Puisuing Police Speed of Auto- mobile 75
Ingenious Slide Rule for Motoiists 76
Maud, the Motor Mule, on Our Cover 87
A Gasoline Field Kitchen 93
Motoi Car Bodies of 1916 — Good and Bad 98
Adapting Tire Inflaticn to the Load 104
Don't Decarbonize Aluminum Pistons I iO
Cleaning New York's Snow-Clogged Streets with
Motor-Trucks 165
Tearing Up Rails with a Motor-Truck 168
A Motor-Cycle Converted into a Motor Sled. ... 169
A Mile-a-Minute with an Air-Driven Sled 184
A Novel French Motor Tricycle Sweeper 210
A Racing Car Built of Tires 223
And Now Comes the Front- Wheel Drive Motor- Cycle 260
Making a Tire Casing 261
Josef Hoffman Invents a Pneumatic Shock Ab- sorber 262
An Improvised Trouble Light for Motorists 266
Adjustable Auto Foot-Pedal for Short Drivers. . . . 268
Extra Seat for Ford Cars Hangs on Door 268
Folding Motor Bucket Is Also Game Bag 268
Switch Detects Bad Ignition 294
Motoring on Skiis 334
Protecting the Motorist on Dark Roads 336
A Trolley Company Which Repairs Automobiles
Damaged by Its Cars 342
Spreading Sand Over Oiled Roads by a Motor
Attachment 368
A Convenient Step for Automobiles 369
Pull Yourself Out of the Mud 369
A Cold or Wet Weather Suggestion for Motor- cyclists 371
Automobile and Tractor, Too 371
Running a Newspaper Plant with an Automobile. 382
An Automobile Machine-Shoo for the Battlefield. 392
A Steel Hill to Test Automobiles 393
A Military Automobile from Fittings 409
This Automobile Signal Takes the Place of Your
Hand When Rounding a Corner 410
A Novel British Piston Ring 411
Delia the Motor Duck 422
Vulcanizer for Tire Repairs on the Road 433
An Electric Heater in the Garage Makes Cranking
Easy 455
Small Motor-Trucks Deliver Coal Cheaply 488
Motor-Cycle Helps Light a Town 494
Gaiters to Protect the Spring-Leaves of Auto- mobiles 505
A Quaint Advertising Automobile 508
Gravity-Flow Gasoline Supply Station 508
A Portable Wrecking-Truck 508
Woman Invents a Lite-Saving Device 509
Motor-Testing Up to Date 510
Convenient Flashlight for the Automobilist 535
An Automobile Converted into a Railway Ore- Tractor 541
With a Trans-Continental Burromobile 542
Gasoline Horses tor Small Farms 545
Shelter-Top for London's 'Bus Riders 559
A Detachable Motor for Bicycles 560
Why the Automobile "Goes Dead" 564
Attaching Tires to Their Rims Easily 572
Taking Off the Tire in a JilTy 574
Small Racing Automobiles for Boys 581
Interchangeable Motor-Car Grease-Capsules. . . . 586
A Disappearing Automobile Top 587
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