Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/587

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Popular Science Monthly


��Shelter-Top for London's 'Bus Riders

1 OX DON rains and London fogs ^ will before long have no terrors for that portion of the populace that pre- fers to ride atop 'busses in order to gain the benefits from the ou-tdoor air. Weatherproof coverings or tops are being installed on all of London's 'busses, and their construction is such that they can be put up or taken down in two minutes. In the photograph, which shows the new rain-proof 'bus-top, can incidentally be seen rows upon rows of posters, one way of advertis- ing which the British army is employing. Evidently pro- ceeding along the theory that repetition is the best way to advertise for any- thing, the same poster is used over and over again, in the hope of driving home a lesson to the reluctant Briton.

��that is, baked in a shallow clay oven, fired by charcoal, as the bread of our southwestern Indians, the bread of the Bolivian Incas, and the Argentine

���Londoners no longer have to ride on their beloved 'bus- tops in the rain. Here is one of several designs of detachable tops now being installed

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��Better Than the Bread Mother Baked

THAT civilized person to whom has cholos, is baked — has never really tasted never come the pleasure of tasting bread as it was intended to taste. It bread as it is baked in the open — is a little coarser, perhaps, than the

snow-white bakers' bread of the large cities, but it has nourishment and flavor that are unmatched.

In South America the oven is very simple in struc- ture, consisting merely of a hollowed-out clay or mud mound, sometimes supported on a wooden framework, as is illustrated here, but usual- ly by a rock pile.

Repair for Cracked Window

A WINDOW that is cracked can be repaired temporarily by bolting two roofing nail-caps where the cracks meet. Roofing nail- caps are large tin washers with small holes which must be reamed out to accommo- date a machine screw.

���The brick ovens of our ancestors baked good bread.

The bread from the clay ovens of Bolivia is said to be

even more nourishing and delicious

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