Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/593

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Ingenious Machines to Work for the Gardener and the Farmer

��A Whole Garden Kit in One Tool

SEVERAL devices have recently been invented to make the task of creating your own garden agreeable.

A handy new imple- ment capable of many uses has been invented by Joseph De Falco, of Vineland, New Jersey. It may be quickly con- verted from a hoe into a rake, from a rake into a weeder and from a weed- er into a shovel. It has

����A post-hole digger of this type will make a hole in a minute and a half. It does the work of fifteen men

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��This garden tool is a hoe, a rake, a weeder or a shovel

��a handle to which any of these tools may be adjustably clamped ; besides they can be tilted at whatever angle is handiest. A piv'otally-mounted, ridged headpiece and a fastening-guide arranged to engage the teeth, make such adjustments a mat- ter of choice v.ith the gardener.

Digging Fence -Post Holes by Means of a New Machine

FOR the gardener and the farmer a hole-digging machine has been in- \cntecl by August Enstrom of Rock Island, III. Up in New England, where the fertile hills are rock\-, there are good farms with perfecth' built, picturesque stone fences extending in all directions. Sometimes they have cost almost as nnich as the farm is worth. A hole- digging machine would ha\'e made it


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