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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/10

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A Machine for Cleaning Ceilings 84 1

An Unusually Intelligent Slot Machine 842

Mechanical Kinks 876—877

The Giant Destroyer of the Future 897


What X-Rayg Can Do for Your Teeth 20

Killing Vermin with Gas 119

Eradication of Weeds Will Prevent Hay-Fever. . , 238

Chinese Doctors and Their Ways 243

War Will Diminish Stature and Vigor of Human

Race 252

If Your Hand Is Too Small— Stretch It 361

Exterminating Mosquitoes 367

The Latest Answer to "What Is a Cold?" 374

Fighting Infantile Paralysis 399

Taking a Census of Occupational Diseases 486

A Mechanical Masseur That Works Off Fat 486

Have You Perchance a "Vocational Disease?" ... 519

Where Beautiful Hair Is Not a Crowning Glory. . 528 Eliminating One of the Tortures of the Dentist's

Chair 534

How Do You Sit? 551

Sampling the Drinks for an Entire Large City . . 556

Steam Yourself and Drive Away Your Ills 575

Testing the Air-Fighter's Nerve 580

Mechanical Lungs for the Fire-Fighter 587

Some Peculiarities of Eye-Glasses 616

More Light on the Occupant of the Dentist's Chair 626

A Simple Electrical Device for Purifying Water. . 638

Exercising Machines for Wounded Soldiers 633

A Humane Method of Destroying Horses 684

New Apparatus for Setting Broken Limbs 684

Using the X-Ray on Animals 696

Defense for the Ears Against Noise and Shock. . . 707

Resuscitating the Drowned 744

Lifting Invalids with a Minimum of Discomfort. . 746

Why Do We Grow Bald? 812

New Cures at the Royal Baths in England 818

Making Air Fit to Breathe 833

Medicinal Cartridge-Beit for Peaceful Expeditions 849 A Device Invented by a Blind Doctor to Enable

Himself to Write Letters 849

Humanity's Bent Twigs 850

Corns — What They Are and Why They Hurt. . . . 857

The Medicinal and Hygienic Virtues of the Lemon 863

The Cancer Problem 873

Friction Tape Used for Plaster Strips 925


Steaming Frozen Ground for Gold 687

Coal-Mine Fatalities in the United States During

the Year 1915 696


How Fish Jump 1 00-Foot Dams 364

Borrowing the Night Lamps of the Fireflies 365

Why Whiskers Continue to Be in Style for Cats. . 369

Fishing in Guiana with the Bow and Arrow 385

When Manicuring Nails Is a Dangerous Job 410

Rocking Stones and Their Romantic Story 413

Even the Hornets Have New Ideas Sometimes, . . 417 Exploiting the Island of Laysan for the Eggs of the

Albatross 428-429

The Reason Why We Have Two Eyes 434

Insect Grotesques 496-497

When Nature Plays the Architect 498-499

Freak Trees. How Did They Happen? . 512

A Curious Egg Shaped Like a Dumb-Bell 513

A Slab of Sandstone Seventy-Five Million Years

Old /. 513

Would You Recognize the Ear-Bone of a Whale If

You Saw One? 513

Why the Color of Sen Water Is Blue or Green. . . 522

Crossing Dangerous Rivers with Goatskin Floats . 528

A Mat^ician Among the FishcB 562

The Strange Vegetable Sheep of Peru 563

Why You Hear Well on a Clear. Frosty Night . 646 Weather Bureau Duties Overlooked in Criticising

the Weather Prophet 647

The Tree Warfare Against Rocks 650

The Traveler's Tree 651

A Fish That Builds a Nest Like a Bird , 654


When Rain, Thunder and Lightning Start Toward

the Earth at the Same Time 674

The Deepest Known Place in the Ocean 683

Nature and Not Cannons the Cause of Rainfall. . , 744

Queer Denizens of the Deep 822

Is This the Origin of Forcible Feeding? 823

As a Packer Let Us Recommend Mother Nature . . 826

Not Candy but Moth and Butterfly Eggs 827

Iridescent Fish-Eggs for Table Decoration 875

"Great Fleas Have Little Fleas Upon Their Backs

to Bite 'Em " 875

Why Does Sap Rise Against Gravity? 886


As Easily Handled as a Rifle , 77

Seeing the Unseen 89

Photography in Natural Colors 102

A Dark-Room Lamp I 20

How to Photograph Wild Animals. 136

Catastrophes by the Foot 163

Comic Insect Photography 191

A Photographic Eye for the Airman 202

Washington Monument as a Motion-Picture Screen 354

Staging the Celluloid Thriller 401

An X-Ray Tilting Table 407

"Shooting" a Photograph with a Pistol-Camera 408

Pendulum for the Dark Room 4bO

An Improvised Reflecting-Camera 460

Novel Device for Copying Pictures 460

Home-Made Camera Shutter 461

A Useful Trimming Board 461

Simple Test of Shutter Speed 461

Cheap Photographic Changing Box 473

Wild Animals That Photograph Themselves 483

Preserving the Orchestra Leader's Art 535

Drying Negatives by Heat from a Kerosene Lamp 602 A Photographic Printing-Box for Use with Electric

Current 603

Saving the Picture Show with a New Rheostat . . . 633

Using the X-Ray on Animals 696

A Daylight Developing-Tank . 716

Boring Straight by Photography 720

Making the Music Fit the Movie 733

"Shooting" Birds with a Camera ' 741

Eight Pictures on One Plate 856

Photographic Printing Masks Easily Made 931

A Dark-Room Lamp to Be Used Under a Glass

Tray 934


A Tree Like the Rock Which Moses Smote 651

Exercising Machines for Wounded Soldiers 653

A Fish that Builds a Nest Like a Bird 654

The Great Hoodoo Temple 655

Where Germany Gets Her Basalt Paving Blocks. . 656

Relics of Indian Superstition 658

Curious Clocks of Paris 659

A Great Collapsible Field Periscope 660

Watching a Battle Through a Super-Periscope. . . 661

The Largest Duck Farm in the World 662-663

Let a Puff of Air Do It 664

Air Is Stronger Than Human Arms 665

A Modern "Newspaper Maker" 676

Using the Telephone on the Rifle Range 682

Scenes in Alaska 814 — 815

Marooned by the Tide at West Australia 816

Trapshooting in the Navy 817

New Cures at the Royal Baths in England 8l8

Tropical "Snow Drifts" of Cheesecloth 819

Food Freaks 820—82 I

Queer Denizens of the Deep 822

Is This the Origin of Forcible Feeding? 823

Fighting Weapons of Seven Warring Powers.... 824

Aeroplane Art of To-day 825

As a Packer Let Us Recommend Mother Nature. . 826

Not Candy but Moth and Butterfly Eggs 827

Japanese Ivory Carvers Use Modern Tools 828


How to Make an Efficient Boiler-Patch 117

An Easily Made Mercurial Barometer I 18

A Handy One-Drop Oiler I 20

A Non-Spillable Funnel 120

Rubbing in the Lathe 120

An All-Steel Screwdriver 121

A Buck-Saw Attachment 121

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