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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/100

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Beautifying Manhattan's Riverfront

���Where tunnel- ing is impossi- ble, covered sub- way s will be provided. Paths will lead from the park proper across the sub- way to the river

��View just north of Grant's Tomb, showing the proposed method of cov- ering unsightly tracks and do- ing away with smoke and noise

��THE one blot on the beauty of River- side Drive in New York city has been the tracks of the New York Central, riinninji; along the west side of Maniiatlan Island. I'"or years vigorous protests have been raised against the nui- sance, one newspajier referring to the rail- road's right-of-way as "Death Avenue." Recently, however, the city and railroad authorities came to an amicable under- standing, with the result that Ri\erside Park is to be forever freed of visible rail- road tracks. The tracks are to be carried in tunnel or imder roofed subway, with the park development o\-er the to() and on the oulshore side. This will mean

��permanent protection against the com- mercialism of the Riverside waterfront. In the park and residential section, or above Seventy-second street, the tracks will be put under ground, and in the com- mercial section, below Fifty-ninth street, the>- will be ])laced on an ele\ated structure. This change will permanently o\ercome the grade-crossing evil and the city will have a parkway extending from Se\enty-second street to Spuj ten Duy\il, unmarred by railroad operation. In addition to this a new park at Inwocxl llill, possessing natural beauties unsur- ])assed by any of the existing city p.irks, is pro\ided. I'ort Washington Park, at


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