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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/121

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P()j)iil(ir Scioicc Montlilij


��An Improved Vegetable-Slicer

AVEC.ETAHLK-SLKKR which can lie adjusted to cut aintliiiiK into tiny shreds, from a carrot to a cabbage, may be described as follows:

An annular base, mounted on feet, has several roller bearings journaled on the inner side of its rim. Resting on this base, and attached to it by clamps, is a <\lindrical hojiper. A cutting-disk is pnnidetl with three or more slots, ratlially cut, with a corrcs|)onding num- ber of blades, which can be adjusted at their edges. There arc also a like num- ber of splitter- knives which assist in cutting up the vegetables. When in ])osition in the machine the disk rests on the roller bearings and is rotated by a handle-shaft. Fitting around the verti- cal shaft is a tube or hub from which radiate four or more partitions, thus di\iding the hopper into four or more compartments.

When the vegetables are placed in the hopper the action of the cutting- disk beneath them gradually slices away the whole vegetable, the particles falling through the slots into a dish. Not only

���Large and small vegetables can be sliced at one time with this improved device

the size and number of the blades can be adjusted, but the plates which fonn the chambers are made to fit into grooves on the central hub and inner surface of the hopper, so that they slide in and out very easily. Thus small vegetables, large vege- tables or both mav be sliced at one time.

��Fish Hatched in Artesian Basin

ONE of the most unique and con- venient fish hatcheries of the gov- ernment is located near Laramie, Wyom- ing, where sources of good water are few

���A Wyoming fish hatchery is an artificial pond fed by a never-failing artesian well

��and far between, the region being semi- desert. This hatchery is an artificial pond fed by a never-failing artesian well which flows of course night and day. The water comes from a consider- able depth and is therefore pure and cool. It is claimed that better results are obtained from raising trout from this hatchery- than when ordinary sur- face water is used. The float in the center of the pond serves as a shady nook in which the young trout can find a cool, shadowed retreat such as this game fish delights in. When the little trout have attained the proper size they are taken out and used to stock the streams in the vicinity. After theAvatcr has served its purpose as a trout breeder it flows off through pipes and is used to irrigate the little ranch farmed by the keeper of the hatchers-.

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