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��Popular Science Monthly

��scientific farming. Another boy is a plumber, and while he is telling of his trade helpers are putting together bathroom fixtures and sections of heating plants.

Dairying from beginning to end is described by another boy while pretty Indian milkmaids churn real butter and place it in molds for marketing. How to furnish a home is explained by another lad, while girls help him arrange various pieces of furniture in sectional rooms. Here is a splendid house model and here is a boy telling how it is erected. Helping him are other carpenters and the house shown is completed on the stage so far as the woodwork is concerned, even to placing lath for plastering and erecting the inner staircases.

Blacksmithing is another trade taught at the Carlisle school, and the trade has graduates. Accordingly, a blacksmith shop is placed on the platform. Several pieces of curved iron and wood are

��bolted together and wheels fastened to the ends. Running-gears of a carriage are thus made. Another lad grasps the bellows- lever of a forge and soon flames spurt upward. A smithy thrusts real irons into the fire and presenth- two boys are pounding out red-hot horseshoes on a real anvil. Sparks fly into the air and the ring of the anvil sounds throughout the building. Another lad finishes the shoes at a bench vise.

Government officials are always in attendance at these Carlisle commence- ments. With school officials they occupy seats until the Indian girl and boy have had their say. Then come the addresses of visitors, presentation of diplomas and the remainder of the program. Such is the way Indians graduate, displaying the academic and vocational education afforded by their training in such manner as to mark the Indian graduation as the most unique and interesting of all commencements the country- over.

��AN ingenious citizen of Illi- nois has invented a contrivance by means of which his chickens feed themselves, thus saving him the trouble of early ris- ing and feeding them himself. As the man remains in bed his chickens walk around the contrivance in the barnyard and in- advertently step on the ends of a projecting board. The weight of each chicken is sufficient to tilt the board, so that the grain

��Chickens Feed Themselves On The Run

the grain falls it is

���The chickens step on a projecting board as they walk around the automatic feeder and this causes the grain to fall from the top

��picked up by the chickens and the more chickens there are operating the automatic feeder the faster the grain falls to the ground.

When the first chicken walked on the projecting board and discov- ered that the faster it walked the faster the grain fell in front of it, other chickens fell in line and it wasn't long before the whole barnyartl flock was ni a r a t h o n i n g around the con- trivance, eating up thi' grain as it fell

��placed in the recei)tade at the top of

the apparatus the evening before is and working up appetites for the next

thrown to the ground. As fast as meal at the same time

��Those of us interested in science, engineering, invention form a kind of guild. We should help one another. The editor of The Popular Science Monthly is willing to answer questions.

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